•Chapter 10• The Plan

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"Hey, dad?" Jade said from the stairs. Bill glanced over his shoulder as he sat on the couch. "Yes, Little one?" He said. "Have you seen Jerry anywhere? He was supposed to help me with my homework." Jade explained to her father. "You're still doing your homework? Little one, it's almost time to go to bed." Bill tells his daughter. She girl rolls her eyes.
"I don't have a bedtime anymore, dad." She complained, "But have you seen him?" She asked him. He shook his head. "Haven't seen him since he and his brothers went up to their rooms after dinner. Maybe they sneaked out." He shrugged. "Jerry doesn't sneak out, daddy." She reminds him. Bill turns back to the tv and turns the sound back on.
"I wouldn't worry about it." He tells her. Jade sighs and walks down the stairs. "Actually, I haven't seen either of my brothers. Are you sure they didn't say anything?" She asked him. Bill glanced up to look at his daughter who stood behind the couch. "Don't worry about them, Little one. They're probably hanging out somewhere, you know how those boys are." He tells her. "Go get ready for bed, you look tired." He instructed her.
Jade nodded and turned around to walk back towards the stairs but stopped. "Dad?" She said. Bill had his eyes glued on the screen. "Huh?" He said. "Nothing. Night." She said. "Night, Little one," Bill said to her. Jade walked up the stairs and walked straight into her room.
She closed the door and stood against it. "It can't be." She whispered. She walked over to one of her walls and put her ear against it. It was silent. Tonight must've been the night. They're after Megan...tonight...

Jayden and Megan ran as fast as they could. Jayden ran slightly ahead of Megan as he was a lot faster than her. "Are they still behind us?" Megan asked between breaths. Jayden glanced over his shoulder and slowed his pace. "I don't see them." He said.
Megan stopped running and tried to catch her breath. Jayden walked up to her and put his hand on her back. "Are you alright?" He asked her. Megan glared at him and slapped his hand away. "No, I'm not okay! Your brothers are hunting us down to kill us!" Megan exclaimed.
"Please, lower your voice. We've lost them for now, we don't need them to find us." Jayden said quietly. Megan was still panting a little. "I don't care. Jayden, I trusted you! My mother was right about you and your family all along!" Megan said loudly. Jayden heard branches behind him snap. He pushed Megan against the tree and covered her mouth.
"Jayden!" Jerry called out his name. He couldn't see him, which made it even more terrifying. After a few minutes, Jayden heard their footsteps and voices fade away. He removed his hand from Megan's mouth and looked directly into her eyes. "Listen, I don't care what your mother told you, I have no time to explain all of this right now, but can you just do as I say? I am trying to save you." He tells her. Megan just nodded. Jayden took her hand in his again. "Just a little bit further." He tells her. "To what?" She asked him.
"There is a cabin, hidden deep in these woods. We're supposed to take you there, it's the only place we'll be safe." Jayden tells her. "I don't think I can walk any further than three feet, Jayden," Megan tells him. "You'll make it, I promise." He said to her. They started to walk again. "Are you sure they won't find us?" She asked him. He shook his head and glanced down at her. "I'm the only one who knows the exact location." He tells her. Suddenly Jayden stopped walking. A rather large tree had fallen on their path.
"I'm not sure I can climb over that," Megan tells him. Jayden turned to her and lifted her off the ground. He sat her on the tree so she could climb the rest herself. "Thanks," Megan said shyly. Jayden smiled at her and climbed onto the tree himself. He got off first so he could help her get off again. "Why are you doing this?" Megan asked him. Jayden raised his eyebrow not sure what she was talking about. "Saving me. You're betraying your brothers, your family." She said. Jayden shrugged. "I care about you. I want you to be safe." He tells her.
 Megan blushed slightly. "Thank you." She said quietly. The boy smiled at her. "You're welcome." He tells her. Eventually, they arrived at the cabin. Jayden guided her inside. He closed and locked the door behind them. "We should be safe here for a while," he said as he glanced outside through one of the windows. He turned around to see Megan holding her arms together. "You're freezing, why didn't you say so?" Jayden asks her.
He quickly took off his jacket. "I don't want you to be cold." She tells him. Jayden puts his jacket over her shoulders. "I won't." He tells her. They sit down on the old floor and rest their heads against the wall. "How long do we have to stay here?" She asked him.
Jayden glanced at her. "As long as we need. At least till after sunrise." He tells her. Megan nodded and sighed. "I'll keep watch, you get some rest." He tells her. Megan just looked at her. Jayden opened his arms for her. "You can trust me." He tells her.
She scooted closer to him. He lifted her off the ground again and set her between his legs. He put her legs over one of his. Megan blushed slightly and rested her head on his chest. Jayden held her tightly in his arms. "Sleep tight, princess" He whispered to her. 

"Wake up, sleepy." Someone whispered. Megan's eyes slowly fluttered open. Jayden was very close to her which caused her to blush. "Aww, blushing this early in the morning? I'm flattered." Jayden teased her slightly. Megan giggled a little and started to glance around. They were still in the cabin, but they weren't on the floor anymore. Megan was only now starting to realize she was tied to a chair instead of in Jayden's arms. "You bast-"
"No need to curse, sweetcheeks." She heard someone else say. Jayden stepped back revealing his two brothers. "You lied to me," Megan said as tears started to form in her eyes. Jayden got close to her again. He put his hands on both armrests of the chair. "And your mother killed mine, I say we're even." He tells her. "I trusted you, Jayden. You-"
"Were faking all of it! You didn't actually believe I was trying to save you, right?" He questioned. Megan didn't answer making him chuckle. "Don't worry, my brothers and I will take very good care of you. And don't bother to scream, no one will hear you." He tells her. Megan glared at him with tears in her eyes. "And what if I do scream?" She questioned.
Jayden chuckled and puts his finger underneath her chin and smirked at her. "If you do, I'll give you a reason to scream." He said darkly. She could see the other two brothers smirking at her. "Jay, enough playing around. We have to go back, we promised dad." Jerry reminds his brother. Jayden backed up and smirked at Megan. "See you later." He said and waved at her as they walked out of the cabin. 

When the triplets came home they bumped into an angry Jade. She had her arms folded over her chest. "Where have you three been?" She asked them. Jayden was about to open his mouth when Jade glared at him. "I want the truth and not some made-up bullshit." She tells them. He closed his mouth again and glanced down at his feet.
His two brothers did the same thing. "I don't know what's wrong with you guys, but you better explain it to me. I had to take care of dad all night, and do my homework by myself while worrying sick about you three!" She exclaimed. "Sorry, Jade." The three boys said. "Sorry doesn't cut it this time, guys. I have to go, Andrew is picking me up. He's the only one who doesn't seem to be hiding anything from me lately." Jade said and walked past her brothers. "Are you sure you don't want to ride to school with us?" Jack asked her. Jade shook her head.
"No thanks, I'm not in the mood to hear more bullshit." She said and walked out of the door. The triplets glanced at each other. "Well...that wasn't part of the plan," Jack said. "Let's just get ready for school," Jerry tells them. 

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