•Chapter 31• Anger and Grief

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A couple of hours later, Jade stood next to her father's corpse. She had put her hand over his head. She felt his head getting colder by the second. It was as if life was draining from his body. Louis stood against the wall looking at her. "Little one?" He said. Jade didn't move. She kept staring at her father. Tears were still rolling from her cheeks, eyes red and puffy. "Jade?" Louis called her name. The girl raised her head and glanced over her shoulder. "They're going to take him soon." He tells her. Jade turned back to her father. Louis stepped closer to her. "Little one, we have to go." He tells her. Jade raised her head again. Her expression was now blank,  emotionless. She turned away and walked out of the room. Two nurses walked towards her. She pushed them out of her way. "Ms. Salvini, where are you going? We need you to fill in some forms!" One of them called after her. Jade ignored her and stormed out of the hospital. She crossed the road, almost getting hit by cars. But she ignored every sound around her. She walked all the way home. She stepped inside and slammed the door shut. She looked at all of the pictures that hung on the walls. One happy family. She slowly raised her hand. Her fingers brushed over the frame. Her emotionless expression turned into an angry one. She pulled the picture off the wall. She looked at it. "One happy family...one goddamn happy family!" She exclaimed and smashed the picture onto the floor. Glass shattered all over the floor. Her anger turned into tears. She leans back against the door and slides down against it. She cried as she sat in the glass. 

Later that night, Louis stepped into the room, gaining everyone's attention. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with-" Ian started. "Bill's dead." Louis cut him off. Everyone went silent. Ian gripped the edge of the table, veins popping out. "His heart stopped," Louis tells them. Ian looked down and let out a deep sigh. "I'm sorry." He said, "He was your best friend. Let's take a moment of silence...for our friend. Our brother. Our leader." Ian spoke. Everyone lowered their heads. Two minutes passed by. Ian looked up at Louis. "Where's she?" He asked him. "She went home, but she won't let me in." Louis answers. Ian looked at the men next to him before looking back at Louis. "And her brothers?" He questions. Louis shook his head. "They don't know yet. They're still nowhere to be found." He explained. "We'll take care of that. You go to her. She can't be alone right now. We will find her brothers and bring them home. She needs them now more than ever. They need each other." Ian said. Louis nodded and turned around about to leave again. Ian walked after him. He puts his hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Fox." He apologized again. Louis shook his head. "There's no fox without the wolf." He said. And with that, he left. He made his way back to his car and drove back to the Salvini house. He came inside using the backdoor.  He stepped inside the house. He searched the kitchen and living room. But Jade was nowhere to be found. He walked into the hallway to go upstairs. But that's where he found her. She was sitting on the ground, surrounded by glass. The girl looked up at him. Louis carefully sat next to her. She broke down in tears again. The man quickly pulled her closer and let her cry into his shoulder. "Why did he have to leave?" She sobbed. The man stroked her hair. "I don't know, Little one." He whispered. 

The next day at school, Henry walked over to his brother. Andrew stood at his locker. He was reading through his Geography textbook. Henry appeared next to him with a bright smile on his face. "Morning!" He smiled. Andrew looked at his brother. He had an annoyed expression on his face. "Don't morning me. I almost got in trouble this morning because of you." Andrew informs his brother. Henry shrugged. "That sounds like your problem." He said, "Anyways. Didn't you hear the amazing news?" He asked excitedly. Andrew shook his head. "Bill Salvini died last night." He smirked. Andrew's eyes widened. "What?" He said. "I know, right! Isn't this great?" He exclaimed. Andrew shook his head. "No! Not great! What about Jade? And her brothers?" He questioned. "Who cares about them? If we're lucky, they'll move away." Henry smirked. "You're a jerk," Andrew tells him. He closed his locker. He walked away from his brother. Everyone around him seemed happy. Were they all glad Salvini had died? All of them? How could they be so selfish? But everyone's cheering and laughing was soon disturbed by someone walking into the school. Jade stood in the hallway. But she didn't look like Jade. She was wearing black jeans, a black T-shirt, a black leather jacket, black boots, and her strawberry-blonde hair was slightly curled. Everyone was staring at her. Andrew made his way towards her. "Hey." He said. She wrapped his arms around him. He held her tightly and kissed her head. "I'm so sorry about your dad." He whispered. Henry walked up to them. "Hey! There she is! How does it feel to be an orphan?" He asked Jade. Both Andrew and Jade glared at him. "Dude, a little more respect? That's my girl you're talking to. Her father just died." Andrew pointed out. Jade puts her hands on his chest. "It's okay." She tells Andrew. She turned to Henry, standing in front of Andrew. "Do you want to know how it feels? How it felt?" She asked him. Henry smirked and nodded. "Yes, please." He said. Jade smiled at him before kicking him in his nuts. Henry groans and drops to his knees. As he did, Jade kicked him in his face. He fell backward onto the floor. She kicked him in his stomach before she turned back to his face. She kicked him a couple of times before she crouched in front of him. "It felt like that." She said. She stood back up and turned to Andrew. She took his hand and walked out of the school. 

Meanwhile, Jerry sat with Jack and Jayden. Megan was still fast asleep. "Why did you kiss her, Jack? And Jayden let him finish this time." Jerry tells them. Jack sighed and looked at Jayden. "She kissed me. I didn't push her away because...I don't know...it felt good. Her lips are just very soft, and they taste like cherries." Jack admits. Jayden holds up his fist close to Jack's face. "I am this close to punching you again." He threatens. "Jayden," Jerry warns his brother. Jayden sighed and lowered his hand. "Listen, I didn't want this to happen. You know I would never try to take away the one you love. I'm not Henry. I'm your brother." Jack tells him. Jayden sighed. "I'm sorry I hit you," Jayden mumbled. "And?" Jerry questioned. Jayden glared at his brother. "What? Is this couple counseling or something? Am I supposed to tell him how much I love him?" Jayden asked. Jerry shook his head. "No, I want you to say you forgive him," Jerry tells his brother. Jayden looked at Jack. "I forgive you." He said in the most unbelievable tone ever. "Like you mean it." Jerry orders. "Why am I doing this? I'm still mad at him!" Jayden exclaimed. "I know, I would be too. If he kissed Li- my crush I would be mad as well, but now is not the time to be mad at each other. We need each other, Jayden." Jerry tells him. Jayden frowns at him. "Did you just say a name?" He questions. "No," Jerry said. Jayden and Jack looked at each other. "He did, right?" Jayden asked him. "Sounds like he did," Jack replied. Jerry groans and walks away. "I can't believe it. Apologizing doesn't help, but turning against your other brother always seems to solve their problems." He said to himself. 

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