•Chapter 13• Feeling Unloved

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Jack stood in the cabin by himself. His two brothers had left him alone with Megan. Jack was trying to avoid any contact with her. He was in some sort of trance when they captured her, and he's scared of going back into it. It wasn't him. He was so mad after he'd learned what happened to his mother.
But now that he has calmed down, he's back to normal. Calm, sweet, and quiet Jack. He was rather nervous about being alone with the girl. She was still tied up, so she wouldn't be able to attack him, but he was still slightly frightened.
Megan noticed Jack's behavior and decided to take advantage of him. "Jack?" She said quietly. The boy ignored her and continued to stare outside the little window.
"Jack?" She called for him again. Jack continued to ignore her, but it was harder than it may seem. "Jack, I'm really thirsty." She tells him. Jack glanced over his shoulder slightly to look in Megan's direction. "Y-you've already h-had some water." He tells her. He tried to control his shaky voice as he spoke to her. His brothers' voices were echoing in his mind.
"Don't talk to her." "Don't let her get to you." Jerry and Jayden had told him. Jack had already moved into another room to avoid contact with her. "Jack, please, I'm really thirsty," Megan whined. She tried to make her voice sound weak to get some pity out of the boy. But Jack wasn't fooled that easily. "J-Just shut up!" He tells her. "Jack, please." Megan started to beg. Jack slowly walked over to the doorway, which had no door in it, and peeked at Megan from behind the corner.
"That's it. I won't hurt you." Megan said quietly as if he were a dog. "Can I have some water?" She asked him. Jack just shook his head but kept his eyes focused on the girl that sat tied to a chair. "Please, Jack? Your brothers won't have to know. Please, I haven't had anything for two days.
My head hurts and I'm feeling super weak. Please, Jack." She begged him. Jack shook his head again. "They told me not to." He said quietly. "Your brothers aren't here, sweetie, please, just a little bit of water." She begged. Jack glanced around before filling a glass with water. Megan sighed in relief and waited for Jack. The boy carefully walked towards her.
"Y-you're not going to attack me once I come c-closer, right?" He asked her. He mentally slapped himself for stuttering again. Megan shook her head. "There is no point in trying. You're a lot stronger than I am. And I'm going to die anyway, better try to stay alive as long as possible." She assures him.
Jack steps closer and puts the plastic cup against her lips. Megan slowly drank the water. When Jack removed the cup again Megan smiled at him. "Thank you, Jack." She said. He nodded in response and started to walk away again. "Why are you doing this? This is so unlike you." Megan spoke making him stop. "You're not a bloodthirsty monster, Jack, none of you are." She informs him. Jack turned around to look at her. "You don't know us." He tells her, but his voice wasn't dark or scary. It was sweet and trying to be reasonable. It was clear to Megan he was different from the night when they chased her down. "What makes you think that?" She asked him,
"I have known all of you for years." She added. Jack scratched the back of his neck. "There is a lot you don't know. Our father is very secretive about our family history which makes it hard even for us sometimes to understand." He answered as he glanced at his feet. "Mine does too. My mother never told me anything that has happened in her past. That's why I never understood why I wasn't allowed to hang out with you guys.
Jack, you're not the only one with a complicated family. Please, let me go." She pleaded. "I-I want to...I really do...b-but I can't." He stuttered. Megan then lost it. She started to scream and yell at him. In shock, Jack backed up.
That's when his brothers ran into the cabin.  Jayden ran towards Megan putting tape over her mouth. Jayden then turned to his brother. "We told you to not talk to her! Was that seriously too much to ask?! Are you this stupid?!" He yelled at him. Jerry walked up to Jayden. "Take it easy on him, Jay." He said. "No! He's so stupid, he can't even do this one thing we ask him to do! All we asked of him was to stay quiet and make sure she stays in that chair! And he can't even do that!" Jayden yelled.
Jack just glanced down at his feet, feeling very guilty, even though none of this was his fault. "He's just fucking stupid. No wonder dad prefers us to do this than him." Jayden said and walked back towards Megan. 

Jerry turned to his brother. "Jack, are-" "Leave me alone!" Jack said and ran outside. He ran off into the woods. He found a big tree and sat against it. He hugged his legs and let tears fall from his eyes. It was at these sort of moments where Jack missed his mother more than ever.
He had a rather special bond with her.
Parker sat on the chair with Jack on her lap. Jerry sat reading next to them as Jayden and Bill stood next to the crib with Jade in it. Jack focused his eyes on the words and letters in the book in front of him. "T-t...tr-ree." Jack stuttered. "Yes, tree! Good job, honey! I'm so proud of you." Parker cheered and kissed her son's head. Jack smiled at his mother.
"Darling, are you still trying?" Bill said from the living room. Parker glanced up. "Of course I am." She answered. "Mommy?" Jack said quietly. Parker smiled at him.
"Try another one, honey, I believe in you." She tells him. Jack nodded and tried to figure out the next word. Bill then walked towards the dining table.
"Darling, you have been trying to teach him for days. Don't you think-" "He has to learn, Darling." Parker cut him off. Bill sighed. "Darling, he's not as smart as Jerry," Bill tells her. "He wants to learn. And so what if it takes time? I'm patient. I don't care if he's not as athletic as Jayden or smart as Jerry.
That's why he's Jack, he's my baby boy." Parker tells her husband. "All I'm saying is that you shouldn't waste your time on him," Bill tells her. "I'm not. I love him, Darling."  Parker tells him. Bill rolls his eyes and walks away.
Jack glances up at his mother, his eyes were watery. "Mommy, am I dumb?" He asked his mother. Parker smiled at him and shook her head. "No, honey, you're really smart. And you're a lot sweeter than your daddy. Even if you weren't, honey, I will always love you." She tells him.
Jack smiled and hugged his mother. Parker smiled and holds him tightly. "I love you, Mommy," Jack tells her. Parker kissed his cheek. "I love you too, baby." 
Jack wiped his tears away. Why did she have to leave? She was the only person that believed in him. She was the only one who truly loved him. 

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