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Taehyung had gone to the public library on his day off. He hadn't planned it, but when his boss had texted him that there was a car available for him to use on his off days, he was curious to see what kind it was.

He had been at the main house to get the car from Mr. Park when he saw her leaving. She was wearing red, like in his dream. There was a gravity to the young widow like she was heading into battle. She looked older, dressed like a CEO, competent but demure. This was nothing at all like her casual clothes, or even the sexy rich girl look he saw when he first met her. When would he see the real her, the femme fatale?

Curiosity had eaten at him all day. He wanted to know where she had been going and what she had been doing, even though he knew it was none of his business. She shouldn't even be on his mind at all.

He had checked out the maximum number of library books, hoping they would last him until his next day off. He had always loved to escape from his own world between the pages of a book. He read everything, from fiction to non-fiction, how-to manuals to poetry.

He loaded the books into the backseat and climbed behind the wheel of the big Mercedes sedan. It was several years old but still pristine, shiny black with creamy white interior, by far the most expensive car he'd ever driven. Taehyung wondered how many times he would have to drive it before he stopped feeling like an imposter in it. He'd never stay around that long anyway.

A few clouds had appeared while he'd been in the library. Maybe he'd sit on the little deck and read in the sunshine before it disappeared again. He'd gotten a couple of books on pond construction and keeping koi.

He'd ended up under an old plum tree behind the tea house, trying to catch some late afternoon sun. He'd just gotten comfortable when he heard angry footsteps crunching through the leaves. It was the widow, clearly on a mission. She had changed into faded jeans, with a flannel shirt tied around her middle and a scowl on her face. She was wielding some large pruning shears like a weapon.

His heart skipped a beat thinking his boss was coming after him, but she didn't even register his presence. She cut across behind the tea house and headed through the gate of the walled garden.

Taehyung tried to reason with himself. He was better off staying out of her way, but he really wanted to know what was going on. His job could be at stake. Ignorance was not bliss for Kim Taehyung. He needed to know like other people needed affection.

He found her in the far corner of the first "room" of the secret garden. She had a tight hold on a branch and was pulling down on it with everything she had. The vine tore loose, raining leaves and debris all over her. The widow flung it to the side towards a tangle of foliage that had met the same fate.

She took the shears and gave the overgrowth a few good whacks, then tossed the tool to the ground. She squatted down, got a grip on something and yanked it hard, grunting like a power lifter. He watched as she struggled with the matted mess for the better part of a minute, cursing every now and then. He had to find out what was going on. And stop looking at her ass, pushing back towards him, in those snug jeans.

"Hey, let me do that."

Yung Mi whipped her head around, startled by the gardener's deep voice. "No, I want to. Besides, it's your day off." She let go of the thick vine to swipe at her forehead with her shirtsleeve.

"I know. And you're out here working without me, making me feel guilty."

She huffed. "Well then ... don't feel guilty. That's stupid."

"What's got you so worked up?"

"What are you, my therapist?"

He shrugged. "I'm an above average listener." That made her bark out a laugh.

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