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"Kim Taehyung!"

Two landscape workers, dressed head to toe in matching green uniforms, paused in their planting to see what their flamboyant boss wanted. Mr. Kwan rested his hands on his ample hips as he surveyed the newly created berms that flanked the driveway just outside the estate's gated entrance. A third gardener, the one the boss had a actually called, continued on, levering back on the long handle and scooping another shovelful of dirt, dumping it outside the hole, finally looking at the boss as he leaned on the shovel.

"You two lazies get back to work. Finish planting these shrubs and watch your spacing. And make the holes big, like Taehyung does." Mr. Kwan waved his hand about as he talked, his other still resting on his cocked hip. He pursed his thick lips and changed his weight to the other hip. "Taehyung, I've got something special I need you for."

"He needs your cock up his ass, pretty boy," one of them muttered to Taehyung, a cruel grin on his leathery face. His companion's brown teeth showed as he snickered along. The young man, taller and leaner than his seedy coworkers, handed off the shovel with no discernible change in his demeanor. After 5 long months of working with the pair, he knew they craved a reaction more than anything.

Kim Taehyung crossed the driveway and joined his boss in the green golf cart emblazoned with the landscape company logo, pink striped canopy flapping in the breeze. The boss's fleshy hand landed on Taehyung's knee.

"You're coming with me. We need to swap out the seasonal flowers around the front of the house."

Taehyung gritted his teeth against the shudder that threatened, thankful when the boss removed his hand. He didn't care at all that Mr. Kwan was gay. He just hated the advances, because refusing his boss may get him fired. So he acted oblivious. He had no other choice if he wanted to eat and keep a roof over his head.

Taehyung worked the rest of the afternoon in blissful solitude, making his way around the massive flowerbeds that skirted the mansion. It was a strange old house, large and rambling and rustic, with its stucco and exposed wood. The grounds were immense, unusual for Jeju Island, and lush, typical for the island's mild climate.

He was unaware that above him, on a small vine covered balcony, sat a young woman, the widow of the estate. She sat silently, watching and listening to the gardener as he pulled up the summer begonias and planted violas for winter. He had the hands of a careful lover. His long fingers were gentle as he teased each plant from its pot, placed it in its spot and pressed the soil around its roots. His broad sun hat blocked his face, but she could hear his deep, husky voice. He was talking and singing to the flowers, encouraging them to grow where they were planted.

As the autumn sun slanted lower, the widow called for the estate manager. Mr. Im was employed by the family and a toady for the Dickhead. Her jealous stepson loathed her, so of course his yes man did too. She waited until Mr. Im's secret tryst with Mr. Kwan was over, hoping the butt-kissing estate manager would be more agreeable post-orgasm.

"What may I do for you this afternoon, Madam Kim?"

She hated when he called her that. He pronounced it like she ran a brothel.
"I would like to employ one full-time gardener here at the estate."

Mr. Im simpered at her. "That is unnecessary, Madam. Kwan Landscaping meets all our needs."

She curved her lips in a knowing smile. "I'm certain your dear Mr.Kwan does that quite well indeed. Surely he would spare just one of his workers. For a friend ?"

Mr.Im studied the young widow, trying to gauge how much she knew. No matter how loyal to the stepson he was, that narrow-minded man would not tolerate his homosexuality. Thinking it was better to err on the side of safety, he agreed. "Of course. Shall I handle the details?"

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