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Yung Mi was settled in the tub, Chim snuggled in her arms. Clinging to her, he would not let her leave, even though D was there soaking with them, trying to coax the sub into his lap. He was out of little space but still incredibly vulnerable.

"He called me a slut. Do you..." he took a shaky breath, "Do you think that? That I'm a whore?"

"Jimin," D sighed, his voice full of pain, "of course I don't. You are a generous and giving lover and the sexiest person I know. Some people enjoy those terms, as a way to show they really like sex and are good at it. I think there can be negative connotations of those words, sure. But that's not you, not at all. You're never careless or greedy, hurting yourself or other people in lust." D's eyes were red-rimmed and teary. Seeing his favorite person destroyed had stabbed at his heart, especially because his cowardice had triggered the whole situation.

"Then why don't you want a relationship? Is it because I'm ... because I can be ... a baby? I get that you don't want someone to babysit, like now." Jimin wiped the single tear that tracked down his beautiful face, a picture of quiet desolation after a storm.

"Jimin, I'm shit at relationships. I've never been in one that worked. I've never seen one that worked long term." The dom ran a frustrated hand through his disheveled silver hair. "You're not a baby. I see you as a man, intelligent, sophisticated, capable. Fuck, you run a whole ass company.

You're too good for me. You are a fresh breeze on a hot day. A warm hug on a cold night. You're the melody to my bass line. You're the light to my darkness. I'm gonna fuck this up, but I won't let you get hurt again and I can't be without you. I know I'm gonna fuck it up, but be my boyfriend. Please give me another chance. A chance to say yes this time?" Yoongi held his breath, waiting on Jimin's answer.

The sub unwound himself from Yung Mi and crawled to the other side of the giant tub. He settled into Yoongi's lap and studied him with a serious gaze. "Will you be my boyfriend, Min Yoongi?"

The only answer he got was a fervent nod and a heartbreakingly gummy smile before Yoongi wrapped him in a tender embrace. Yung Mi gave the new couple a bear hug and planted a kiss on each man's temple. "I love you both so much. Take good care of each other."

She left them in a world of their own and tiptoed out to the bedroom. As she was drying off and dressing, she kept thinking of a certain dark haired man with a smoky voice. It was also the first time she could remember feeling a sense of loss over not having a romantic relationship.

The whole thing was futile, though, given her situation. It was already too complicated trying to keep their work relationship separate from these new dynamics of the club. She hoped they would never unintentionally hurt each other, or even worse, hurt each other on purpose. What on earth was she doing?

He was in the club with Yung Mi

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He was in the club with Yung Mi. She was wearing a skimpy black leather outfit with tall black boots. She led him to a dimly lit room where she took his tie and blindfolded him. She fastened his hands to the wall above his head.

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