47. starpro

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"wow. we have to drag that huge ass stack of papers everywhere?"

"..apparently. i blame you for this."

"yeah well you should because you're the idol and therefore have the strength to carry this shit. do you see these noodle arms? i cant."

"sometimes i forget how much i hate you and then you suggest something like this."

"wait you don't hate me all the time? ew."

"stop saying ew to everything oh my fucking god."


"i hate you so fucking much."

"if i had a dollar for every time someone has said that to me i'd be rich by now."

"yeah that sounds about right."

"whatever, let's just get this done and annoy some idols!!"

"this'll be a long day."

"for you aha,  not me~"


"so first on mr. tenshouin or whatever's list is trickst- oH SHIT THATS MAO'S UNIT!!"

"yeah. don't get all happy and shit, these papers actually seem related to everyones funds."

"oof. yeah i don't really care, i'm just here for annoying people."

"including me."

"exactly! now where the fuck is maos group?"

"we need to get back on the elevator."

"god damn it why do we need to use the elevator so much?"

"well would you rather use the stairs?"

"...fair point carry on."

—one elevator ride later.

"wow. this is basically just your floor but different color scheme and posters."

"pretty much. now c'mon, we get to deliver this bullshit to fine before we visit trickstar."

"damn it. i want my albedo lookalike hugs though.."

"you can get em later. god i hope hibiki isn't in there."

"you spoke too soon, dear sena~!!"

"oh my fucking god. is that man hanging from a helicopter i'm-"

"i want to shoot you so bad right now hibiki."

"fahAHAHAHA~ dont we all!"

"wait what-"


"i can see why you don't like him he speaks like me."

"he normally doesn't. way to go off character, hibiki."

"fuck you. aNYWAYS! rejoice, for i have come to take fine's papers off your frail holdable hands!"

"why am i cringing so hard?"

"i don't know the way he acts is just too beautiful i'm crying."

"of course you are."

a darker blue haired male popped out of no where.

"hibiki, would you be so kind as to land the helicopter? tenshouin keeps stealing the keys, don't give him more reasons to."


"wait who's driving-"

"yeah yeah hurry up bud there's only one person to annoy these idols, and that's me."

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