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"why isn't anyone in the halllssss!"

"they heard you yelling and decided to escape."

"wait what."

"you're a dumbass. it's practice time so the majority is in practice rooms. except for the few-"


both of you look.

"pfft which one?"

"me obviously. why the fuck would anyone ask for you."

"because i have looks, unlike someone."


"oh whatever."

you turn to address the new red haired boi.

"so what's up why'd you want 'zumi?"

"everyones getting impatient waiting for him. Narukami started painting nails."

"oh god king got it everywhere, didn't he?"

"it wouldn't be surprising. now who's the uhm lady.?"

"i am the lovely ass-"

"my cousin y/n."

"goddamn it 'zumi you ruined my eventual pickup line."

"that was the point."

"i'm tsukasa suoh, pleasure to meet you."

"no need to be polite to her 'kasa. she's shit."

"oh fuck you."

"uhm.. lets just get going."

the poor boi had to listen to the cousins constant bickering. poor child.

"are we there yet."

"y/n shut the fuck up-"

"we have about another minute of walking."

"cool. do you know a blonde boi with glasses cause-"

"y/n shut the fuck up."


"i think the only one who fits that description is makoto, he's a second year."

"ohhhh isn't that your old friend from modeling?"

"kasa do you have any tape or mouth-covering devices?"

"not on me. maybe leader has some?"

"god i hope so."

they finally stopped at a door.

"y/n if you do anything brash i'll slaughter you."

"yeah yeah just open the damn door."

right away there was just-

"no king, you have to softly blow on them, not wildly wave hands around."

"but naruuu! there's stuff i gotta do!"

"just sit for a minute while they dry for oneechan please. i gotta make sure ritsu's hair won't ruin his... such messy posture even during his naps."

"i found sena, he has a plus one."

"the name's-"

"she's my cousin. if she does anything like flirt you have permission to beat her ass if needed."

"damn. didn't even give my name this time..   y/n sena."

".is she..an alien.?!"

"oh fuck yeah i am what's up you orange."

"don't play along with him dumbass."

"awe ritsu shifted and ruined his nails.."

"wait as in the ritsu i stole the phone from? aha i was right he is a smol boi! also paint my nails too please beautiful stranger i always mess up."

"arashi narukami, and what color? any glitter coating?"

"uh i guess pale yellow and fuck yeah with the glitter."

you sit next to the sleeping boy and lay your hands out for narukami.

"damn you have long nails. mind if i trim them? and do a bit of extra care."

"yeah sure. just keep them a bit long so i can still scratch the shit out of people if needed."

"oh thank god you got her to calm down for a while naru. if only she could shut up."

"i'm not deaf you dumbass."

"i know. suffer."

"sooo tell me about yourself arashi."

"i have a cute cat named nyanko, and i can sew. not much."

"yeah but you're cute as shit and i think you're interesting."

"thank you! i aspire to be the kind of arashi everyone wants to see, so that's good to hear."

"yeah but if you aren't being true to yourself you'll feel bad about it later. you should show me your true self sometimes."

"i'll think about it, but for now making your nails pretty is priority."

"you can probably make anything look pretty...i wonder if it's because you're so beautiful yourself."

"and everything that comes out of your mouth is annoying for a reason now stop chatting up naru and let them focus on your nails."

637 words

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