32. bunny babe

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"oi y/n don't suffocate the poor guy."

"y-yes? what is it y/n?"

"i'm movinggg! i know we only had like one interaction but i would sell my soul to you if you asked!"

"no. that soul's reserved for me."

"oh yeah we never finished that ritual, did we?"


"whoops! anyways, nazunyan!! i'm moving and i wanted to say goodbye!!"

"we talked like once.."

"yeah but we have each others numbers and you're literally the most adorable boy i've ever met. i wanna stay in touch!"

"i-i'm not adowable!"

"i'm sorry but you just proved her point."

"huh? where'd natsubae run off to?"

"he said he had to do some witch bullshit and disappeared in a poof of smoke. you're blind."

"awwwee.. oh well! we can find him later."

"yep. now hurry up and finish this goodbye, this is my lunch time we're missing damn it!"

"shush! anyways bye nazunyan! see you whenever i decide to come bother izumi again~!"

"bye! don't cause too much trouble while you're away!"

"that was such a pathetic goodbye."

"shut it koga!"

"don't tell me what to do! anyways, who the fuck is next?"

"one of my favorite people ever, who i'm definitely gonna text almost every day, naru!"

"alright then, i can track 'em down based off narukami's perfume."

"wow! so you aren't just a dumb furry!"

"shut the hell up!"
233 words
wow this is kinda short whoops
anyways hey! i'm writing a shit ton of other wip's, including another enstars one i'll prolly get mega into writing :))
11 more to go!!

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