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"it's this door right?"

"mhm. slam that bitch open."


"koga~! time to-"

"my, my, if it isn't sean's charming cousin."

"oh good! rei, can you call my school real quick and tell them i'm sick?"

"pft what the hell? you're making sakuma call your school?"

"yeah he can pose as my grandpa or something. he sounds old as hell."

"oooooof. that's gotta hurt."

"i don't mind it, ritsu often calls me worse."

"stop sulking, dumbass."

"i heard ritsu's become rather attached to you. please teach me your ways, my brother, sadly, dislikes me."

"then will you call my school?"

"fufuhu, yes."

"'fufufu'? really? that's like one of the most ominous laughs ever-"

"darling, please. just tell the man your secrets or whatever so we can get to the library before class starts."

"yeah dumbass, we don't have all day."

"i mean technically we do-"

"wait what the fuck sakasaki did you call her darling?"

"honestly sounds like a pet name kaoru would give someone."

"kaoru hitachin...?"

"no dumbass. kaoru hakaze."

"that doesn't clarify anything but cool."

"so how does ritsu enjoy your company?"

"i'll let you in on my secret! he... drumroll please..."


"fuck you koga, anyways! i honestly have no clue why ritsu's so friendly with me. i mean, c'mon. i'm annoying as hell."

"amen to that."

"shush. anyways, get your old ass to calling my school."

"fine, fine. so what's the excuse? how many days are you taking off?"

"damn sounds like you've done this before."

"yep. you're not the only one with the idea of me sounding like an old man. i make excuses for koga here all the time."

"kay, just tell them i went swimming in a pond and got a cold or something."

"sounds like something you'd do."

"nah i got a good immune system. my nose'll be runny for a few hours but otherwise i'll be pretty fine if i dry off."

"damn it. guess poisoning you's off the table for now."

"for now. there's other methods you've yet to learn, natsume."

349 words
can you tell i'm trying to find ways to shove kaoru and adonis into the cast of characters because like,,,, hhhh.
also i can totally see natsume learning half his witch magic and such from rei.

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