33. waifu

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"according to this subtle fruity scent, narukami should be over there."

"aww mika's over there too! naruuu!"

"hah.? oh, it's grass stain."

"pft be polite mika, y/n's very..charming."

"emphasis on that pause there."

"anyways, what's up n/n?"

"hhh using cute nicknames makes this harder than it has to be.."

"oya? must be important, naru."

"oh? pray tell."

"wait why'd you use pray tell-"

"just get to the point y/n. we have like six more people to see and a lunch to eat."

"damn who pissed in your cheerios."


"calm down oogami, aggravating n/n will just make this take longer."

"..that's a good point."

"ya naru' rocks at this type o shit."

"mhm! anyways, back to the topic at hand! i've got a scholarship in europe starting in a few months, so i'm moving within the week. just wanted to say goodbye and i literally religiously stalk your social media's."

"wait what was that last part-"

"awe thanks dear! i'm glad to know you included me in your goodbyes."

"are we just gonna ignore that-"

"yeah. when you get to know y/n you kinda just,, ignore 80% of the shit she says. you'll get used to it kagehira."

"anyways, one more thing?"


"shit what the fuck is up her sleeves now?"

"can i have a classic naru hug please you're literally the ceo of hugging i love you so much!"

"of course n/n, bring it in."

"this is truly the happiest moment in my entire life. nothing compares."
267 words
omfg pls help i have no clue how to make the ritsu end not angst

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