izumi sena (and rei!!) birthday special

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"god damn it, don't you know how to knock?!"

"not today i don't! it's november 2nd, your birthday you dumbass!"

"technically november 1st in america dumbass."

"yeah but this is japan! it's the second right now in japan!"

"yeah, yeah, just get out."

"nope! i got you an entire plate of shrimp you can eat!"

"..why would that even bribe me?"

"huh? i thought it was your favorite food."

"well duh but i literally just ate dumbass."

"ah shit. wait there was a big birthday party for ritsu, are you getting one too?!"

"i mean i guess. me and rei have the same birthday, i think we're doing an all in one celebration."

"oh awesome! let's get going then, and get dressed in something other than that lame button up shirt thingy. it's your birthday, you can be at least a little bit happy and not bland."

"i'm half tempted to duck tape you to the ceiling and leave."

"don't you learn anything? you did that when i was five. i literally fell and needed to get stitches."

"hey, aunt and uncles house was finally quiet for once."

"it was not! you keep forgetting i have siblings!"

"whatever. are we gonna get going or not."

"wait does you only paying attention to me mean i'm your favorite cousin-"

"shut the fuck up!"

"wow. who the fuck makes these cakes and where can i get one?"

"hell if i know."

"oh look, rei has a cake too!"

"don't eat too much and get sick."

"awe thanks for worrying!"

"senaaa! happy birthday!"

"it's not that big of a deal, king."

"shut up! you say that every year."

"yeah sena shut up~!"

"oh fuck there's two of you.."

"what?! you compared me to the alien?!"

"you compared me to the orange?!?"

"we're nothing alike!"

"zero, nada, nOTHING! NOTHING ALIKE!"

"..immature little shits."

"happy birthday, sena."

"you too sakuma."

"oh! happy birthday rei!"

"happy birthday!"

"you seem to have quite the exciting day ahead of you. taking care of two children is a full time job."

"hey! i'm only a year younger than izumi!!"

"hah! i'm older than the alien! superior being!"

"just shut the fuck up already. king, go mess with mikejima or something. y/n, go find ritsu. i'm sure he's hidden in a dark corner somewhere."

"if you find my brother please notify me of his location."

"but izumiii! i want to spend time with you on your birthday!"


"then admit i'm your favorite cousin or i'll bug the shit out of you all day!"


"do itttttt!"


"doooooo itttttt!"

"hell no."

"doooooooo itttttttttttttt!"

"..fine. your 0.01% better than your siblings."

"yay! alright, i'm gonna go track down nazuna and squish his cheeks! happy birthday izumi, here's your shrimp platter!"


"mhm! no problem for your absolute favorite cousin!"
471 words
it's officially november 2nd in japan, meaning it's izumi and rei's birthdays! happy birthday to the worst but strangely best fictional cousin ever!

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