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"wait when we get to the fountain will fish be a legitimate fish that we can carry around in a bowl."

"he's a human.?"

"o' are we talking about kanata.?"

"i don't fucking know."

"he's human."

"then why does he hang out by the fountain??"

"don't you mean in the fountain?"

"wait w h a t?"

"he chills in the fountain. hence the fish name."

"like,,, in a swimsuit???"

"nope. uniform."

"the fuck???"

"we should probably get a towel from the handicraft club."

"i got one while y'all were being dumb. again."

"smart child."

"wait so like,, he just chills in a fountain???"


"all day???"

"pretty much."

"and you guys see no problem with this???"


"how fucking weird are these students?"

"i mean we have a guy who carry's around a sword all day, a magician, and a rich terminal illness student council president."

"wait the tenshouin-whatever guy has a terminal illness.?"


"aw now i feel bad for calling his ass flat.."

"that's all she got from that.."

"sometimes i can forget how fucking dumb humanity is but then y/n opens her mouth."

"stop being such an asshole ritsu!"

"don't worry y/n eventually he'll start clinging to you and then you realize you like asshole ritchan better than a sore back. he's heavy as fuck."

"gee thanks maa."

"wait why's the fountain in such a secluded area."

"so it's easier for kanata to drown people."



"never mind that, we gotta somehow convince a fish to get out of the water."

"we haven't even met the fish."


"the fountain's right there guys let's just improvise."

"no wait-"

"oh my god is he actually dead?"

"no, he's sleeping you dumbass."

"someone poke him."

"how does he float and sleep at the same time.?"

"he's a fish."

"i'll poke him."



"oh shit he has pretty eyes."

"hey good morning shinkai."


"is he dead..?"

"no, he's blinking?"

he sits up.

"well he's alive.."

he leans on the edge of the fountain.

"good morning~"

"oh fuck he's cute-"

"morning shinkai, but it's past lunch."

"then good afternoon~"

"he talks so slow and cute oh my god i simp for you."


"ignore her."

"uhm.. alright.."

"yeah so we're forming a group to investigate why izumi obsesses so much over yuuki."

"oh? sounds fun."

"mhm, we were wondering if you could join us you beautiful fish man!"

"you'd also be the only third year, so please help. me and yuta can only handle so much of these guy's shit."

"wait so what's your name, miss?"

"oh that's y/n."

"y/n sena-"

"if she says bad ass bitch again i swear-"

"cousin of izumi sena, you beautiful fishy."

"shinkai kanata, would you like to puka puka with me.?"

"what the fuck is a puka puka??"

"i'm pretty sure it just means float."

"oh, in that case, sure."

"y/n wait no-"

it's too late. you sat down in the fountain with kanata.


"i was asked by a pretty boy."

"i feel like that's her excuse for a lot of things."

"..i didn't grab two towels.."

"..um i have a jacket..?"

"yeah one of them can have that."

"or we could just let y/n get hypothermia."

"not today at least. it's too warm."

"you're such a pretty fish man."

"thank you~"
559 words

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