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"y/n can you hurry the hell up dressing us up at least? it took you half an hour to give mao the weird demon lord one."

"finee..you get the weird little white crystal suit one koges."

"oh i think sakasaki wore that a while ago."

"mhm. the dark colored version is mine."

"yuta you can wear the undead rabbit or whatever thing. this halloween section is fucking great i remember this one izumi said he was a grim reaper and i told him he looked like an emo bride."

"pft.... they kinda do."

"okay kanata time!"

"god please just give him two outfits.."

"nope! he can have three and only three."


"okay go try on the yellow and orange thing, the ninja lookin' thing, and the jacket that says knight killers!"

"damn you actually didn't give him all pastels. congratulations."

"is ritsu asleep again.?"

"yup. he eventually stopped struggling to stab you guys and just laid on the floor."

"awe. that's cute."

"..he's pulled into fetal position on the ground and you call him cute..?"

"he's cuter when sleeping and not trying to murder me."

"you got me there."
"kay so we should probably go meet the yuu guy mao where he at."

"our practice room prolly."

"oh wait shit guys crowd around sleeping ritsu we need a selfie i look cute as fuck in these pastel shorts."

"yuta's rabbit ears are dropping."

"shit. ill just hold them up i guess."

"y/n can you braid my bangs real quick~? i think tenshouin did that when he wore this.."

"pft i can't fucking braid."

"just take the photo already so we can get dressed."

"yeah yeah just gotta get a few extra of ritsu in the maid uniform."


"blackmail purposes."

"this cape is suffocating me i swear to god how did anyone wear this."

"it was older sakuma's."

"..that makes more sense than it should."

"alright~! off to practice room seven!"

"y'know i prolly shouldn't have ditched my entire unit now that i think about it a was really only taking a bathroom break."

"pfttt oh shit!"
352 words
apparently i wrote this one and never posted aha sorry

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