50. new dimension

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"so how do you want to do this part?"

"sora messaged me a bit ago saying ritsu found out i'm here from someone named mama so you go up in the elevator and i'll watch from the stairs as he beats your ass!"

"wow. didn't expect mama to be the one to sell us out."

",,who decided not to introduce me to someone called mama?"

"literally everyone."

"aww damn. if he's mama can i be daddy?"


"awh damn. wait but he's right up there though right-"


"so wait what's the plan?"

"i-you JUST explained it to me how did you forget?"

"oH. i go up the stairs and wait, you go through the elevator and get mauled by ritsu, right?"

"yep. but i'm not too sure i can trust you to wait in the stairwell."

"huh? why not? i wanna see natsume so i can wait."

"wow. totally ignored everyone else."

"shut up him and sora have basically been doing alchemy aND HIM AND ALBEDO HAVE THE SAME VOICE AND IT MAKES ME CRY."

"okay damn stop causing a scene. go climb the stairs already so we can get this over with and go eat."

"oo dumplings?"

"fine. but no inviting anyone, i'm not paying for a whole group."

"shit. there goes my evil plans."

"good. it's been a while since we shared an actual meal."

"we literally just ate with auntie last night."

"i mean us us dumbass."

"oH! you're saying you're jealous."


"love ya too cuz!"

"i hope you trip."

"ouch. you wound me so."

"whatever. now get climbing."

"fine, fine~"

"god i hate stairs."

if there wasn't some bullshit drama wasn't about to go down your unfit ass would nOT be going up these stairs.

finally climbing the last step, you take a breather before cracking the door open. it seems like izumi's elevator got here a moment after you. he's met with a surprisingly calm ritsu.

"oi. where is she?"

"whatever do you mean?"

"wow. like you aren't totally revealing yourself by using elaborate vocabulary in a teasing manor."

'wow. he's got the art of teasing mastered.'

"and if she isn't here? what'll you do then?"

",,are you really acting like a cringey character from an 80's movie,?"

"..you get the point. she's not here."

how do they not notice that you're watching from a door crack??

"oi, y/n!"

"huh? what're you doing kog-"

he trips on the final step, barreling into you and having your dumbass get pushed through the unlatched door.

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