31. beginning of the goodbyes

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"so where's this secret library part in here? looks pretty normal."

"don't ask me, dumbass. ask sakasaki."

"don't call me a dumbass when you're a dumbass too!"

"hah! you said too!"

"right here. just do this and..boom!"

"oo~ an elevator!"

"yup. let's go down."

"mhm. sadly, tsumugi nor sora likes skipping classes like this."

"awee.. i wanted more loli compliments!"

"ouch. we mean nothing to the simp."

"yikes, and here i though we could squeeze in some extra favoritism points."

"yeah like 80% of those are taken to ritsu."

"whoops. gonna suck when i leave then."

"when you..what?"

"you're leaving? to go where?"

"ah shit. yeah so uhm no one's supposed to really know this but i'm actually kinda sorta gonna be moving at the end of this week.."

"..what the fuck? why?"

"i've got a scholarship offer in europe!"

"oh i get it. another joke."

"there's no way you of all people could get a scholarship."

"i'm serious! somehow my dumbass did good in math and shit. i even skipped a grade! i'm your guy's age and yet i'm a third year!"


"your brain doesn't make any sense."

"don't have to tell me that."

"wait does sena know?"

"wellllll uh you see..."

"oh god."

"you're kinda fucked then."


"so how're you gonna tell him?"

"i'm honestly hoping auntie does it for me.. when i'm already on the plane and he can't yell at me."

"oh god you're an absolute dumbass."

"yup! but a dumbass with a scholarship!"

"i still have no clue how the hell you have a scholarship."

"don't we all!"

"how are you gonna say goodbye to everyone?"

"yeah uh i've got no clue."

"well you're gonna fuck ritsu up. first rei, now you."

"damn it i forgot about that!"

"so yeah i'd say you're fucking dead."

"yeah.. please help.?"

"maybe. what's in it for us?"

"uh.. a hug.? something cool from europe?"


"the souvenir, i guess. i've heard they have unique brands of rock salt and if i summon a demon i gotta be properly equipped so why not?"

"..you got that logic from supernatural, right?"


"alright! so how do i say goodbye to everyone i've properly encountered during my yumenosaki shenanigans?"

"start with who you've interacted with the least.?"

"oh! i literally only encountered nazunyan once!"

"that sounds like a good place to start."

"alright! let's get going!"

"it's still technically class time, dumbass. we can't just pull nito out of his class."

"oh. damn it!"

"let's wait till lunch then. we can say goodbye to everyone then."

"mkay! i'll let izumi know we may be a little late meeting up with him!"


387 words

im dead inside. im gonna write 12 more chapters, including goodbyes for most of the important characters. then a final goodbye, an epilogue, and the other a big return. the return will come before the epilogue, of course.

but yeah, fairy tale ending is coming to an end. by the end of the year, this book will be finished :)

im writing a ton of other works too, a different enstars x reader (different plot and prolly mood) also a genshin impact x reader, and a haikyuu one.

anyways, ill get started on the last few chapters now! i hope you've enjoyed so far!

(also mc has a scholarship bc somehow despite being personality and common sense dumb, she has a brain that functions. and seeing as she grew up with izumi and an older sibling, shes absorbed information above her level and managed to skip a grade.)

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