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"oi, we just passed your school where the hell do you think you're going?"

dramatically unzipping your jacket, you reveal a blazer a few sizes too big for you.

"i'm going to infiltrate yumenosaki!"

"...i'm telling mom you're skipping class."

"oh god please don't she'll tell my dad and he'll stop paying for my phone service and i need to spam people with memes no matter where i am-"

"the school calls her anyways, dumbass."

"oh! real quick, let's call the school and you could tell them i'm sick!"

"nope. if you're gonna bother me today then you deserve the suffering."

"actually, i'll be bothering natsubae and koga. prolly see you during lunch though. mao said he makes bentos and i w a n t."

"if eichi expels me i'm going to slaughter you."

"oo nice. if you do can you tell ritsu there's an army of stray cats that assembles behind the convenience store-"

"what the fuck."

"if i die he needs to feed them they're basically my children."

"just shut up already, dumbass. we're gonna pass through the gate in a second and you need to shut up and blend in if you really wanna do this."

"oh dont worry, natsume should be waiting near the gate- there he is!"

"the security gaurds eyeing you. if he comes over his names seymore."

"cool i can roll with that."

"excuse me, miss? this is an all male schoo-"

"guhh.. why does everyone call me miss.. i-i can totally be manly! i'm not that feminine, am i?! also seymore, my man, really?! i walk this route every morning!"

"wow man. it's 2020, you can't just assume people's gender like that."

"i-i'm so sorry sir! it won't happen again!"

"thanks seymore! take care of your kids!"

"damn. you guys lie so easily."

"runs in the genes, natsubae."

"how'd you know he has kids?"

"he's just got a certain authority and wimp energy."

"anyways, sakasaki. if she gets in trouble you're both dead, and if she flirts or does shit like call you natsubae you can kick her ass."

"i feel like he's telling a babysitter my bed time schedule.."

"y/n's nicknames don't bug me that much. personally, i've got a few for people too. such as tsumugi being scum."

"ayy see? i'm in good hands. also please stop the responsible cousin act i physically cannot handle how out of character that is."

"shut it. my class is on the third floor, just text if you want something."

"yeah, yeah. just shoo already!"

"if you get another grass stain mom said she'd kill you."

"no she didn't she loves me!"

"pft sure. cya at lunch, dumbass."

"bye izumi!"

"goodbye sena."


"great so let's go get koga! the light music club, right?"

"mhm. let's get going, kitten."

"as sweet as that nickname is, i'm not a furry. just call me n/n, or darling, just a cute pet name that isn't an actual pet."

"fine then. come along, darling~"

"okay wow that's cheesy and adorable i can't-"

"damn you weak to pretty boys much?"

"did you just call yourself a pretty boy?"

"fuck yeah i did. look at me, as a evil mastermind i'm naturally hot as hell."

"on one hand i want to tell you you're wrong but you aren't and i just hhhhhh."

"again, i'm hot as hell."

"that you are bud. that you are."

"now that one just sounded sarcastic."

"that it did bud. that it did."

"i can't tell if your brain is in that flustered broken stage or you're bullying me."

"that i am bud. that i am."



"...okAY let's just go get koga."

"oo maybe rei is in there and can call my school saying i'm sick."

"y'know he could actually pull that off that's kinda scary."


"i think clubs meet before school too, so maybe the entire light music club's in there."

"that'd be fun! the twins are in that club right?"

"pretty sure."

"cool, i wanna bug the shit out of people with hinata again. i mean yuta's fun, but hinata would shoot someone with me."

"wow okay what the fuck am i here for then?"

"if i ever become a terrorist and to help hide the body hinata and i killed, duh."

"ok but if we become terrorists we need to recruit itsuki, kuro, and probably kanata."

"we're sacrificing itsuki, right?"

"yep. we all know kanata would drown everyone even on land."

"just kinda casually yeets itsuki into an oncoming attacker."

"he prolly screams like a little bitch."

"wouldn't doubt it."
764 words
help pls i got a genshin impact addiction and it's killing my grades-

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