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"wait so why is ritsu hugging isara."

"they're childhood friends or whatever."

"oh nice. time to burst the bubble of happiness with my mere presence."


"she's already over there sena. i've known her for like 10 minutes and can already tell she's pure impulsiveness with a side of desperation."

"that's actually pretty accurate what the fuck ishiki."

"??? my names itsuki???"

"fuck. you didn't hear that."
"yo! isara right?"

"oh god.. it's the nuisance.."

"uhm yeah, what's up.?"

"great! where can i find this yuu or whatever his name is?"

"..this is my cue to leave.. see ya maa."

"bye ritchan.. uhm can i like,, get an introduction first?"

"oh yeah.. y/n sena, my cousin has an obsession with the yuu guy or whatever and i wanna embarrass the fuck outta him."

"s-sena?? as in izumi?"


"uhm..i'm mao isara."

"yup! so what's the big deal with the yuu guy that makes izumi so fascinated."

"hell if i know."

"great let's launch an investigation."

"i met you not even five minutes ago.."

yuta joins the small group.

"i mean, she's alright. but we both got grass stains from a hill so be prepared for that shit."

"yeah see! yuta thinks i'm great!"

"i'm nwot gunnwa if you kweep squishing fucwing cweeks."

"you're no fun.."

"i mean i guess we could try seeing what makes makoto so special to sena."

"great! then let's sneak off while izumis talking to that pink guy."

"i'll grab ritchan too he probably wants a nap."

"he was napping when i got here when is he not sleeping?"

mao shrugs.

"hinata's in the park distracting tori still so let's steer clear of that."

"awe independent twin time!"


"here's ritchan."

"why do you make me suffer like this maa."

"meh you'll have fun eventually."

"alright! the first meeting of the yuu investigation team has now begun!"


"where the fuck do we start."

"i dunno i still haven't met yuu let's start there."

"mkay. the others are prolly practicing."

"then to practice room number..."


"room number 7!"

"..we're all gonna regret this.."

"stop being a downer, ritsu."

"actually, i agree."

"guhh.. you hurt me, yuta.."

"buuuut, none of them said they were out."

"hell yeah! yuu investigation team- wait can we scout for more recruits..?"


"i mean my shitty brother knows a fucking fish so we can-"

"oh yeah! there's also a dog, right? okay, let's get the dog and fish!"

"wait can we all have animal code names..?"

"sure. ritsu's sloth."


"you're a fly."

"hey!! that's fucking insulting!"

"uhm.. pidgin..?"


"yuta's a very chill cat."

"uhm mao is...a..."

"...what the fuck would mao be????"

"..a horse..?"

"why the fuck would he be a horse.?"

"ah fuck it, it'll work."

"we're a pidgin, sloth, horse, cat, and soon to be dog and fish. what a weird ass combo."

"where would the remaining members even be?"

"uh.. somewhere with water. the fountain."

"and the dogs probably with his owners, let's ask sakuma."


"shut up ritsu just hug mao or something."

"shut up y/n just die in a hole or something."

"god maybe you'd be better as a parrot if you're this bothersome."

"fuck you."
537 words
ncnsfndnf i can't do animal names lmao why is mao a fucking horse i'm crying why brain

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