37. sleeping beauty

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"uhm.. hey ritsu."

"the hell did you mean? europe? a scholarship? aren't you my age?"

" i am. i skipped a grade as a kid."

"what the hell? dumbass y/n, secchan's cousin..has a scholarship? in..europe..?"

"yeah.. i was hoping you'd find out a different way but no time like the present.."

"..is this some kind of joke? do you seriously think i would fall for you of all people having a scholarship? i'm not that gullible."

"that's honestly not the case. i know you have your issues with rei, i'm not the type who would hurt you like that."

"well hey guess what. you still fucking are."

"i don't want to move it's just a good opportunity for me-"

"you think i care about that bullshit? all i care about is yet another asshole is leaving me."

"ritsu please try to understand-"

"try to understand? what is there to understand?! you're just like rei, leaving the moment i need you!"

"you didn't let me finish, asshole! try to understand how i feel about this you selfish prick! i'm uprooting my entire life and moving to a foreign fucking country with no knowledge of the customs or language, and all you're thinking about is yourself!"

"well no shit! don't you think it hurts? rei did the exact same damn thing as you are! god fucking damn it i never should've ever let you annoy me! i got attached and it's all your fucking fault i'm getting hurt again!"

"hey guess what? the world doesn't revolve around you, dumbass! part of life is the people that come and go on with their lives just like that! you're pathetic if you can't bother accepting that people have actual lives they need to go on with! you can't get attached to just anyone like that!"

"you're not 'just anyone' dumbass! you're the weird annoying girl somehow related to secchan! the girl who doesn't have a fucking filter, or a mute button! the girl who makes too many references! the girl who didn't mind me clinging to her or being an ass!"

"the fuck are you saying?"

"i-it doesn't matter anymore! you're leaving which means i'll never see your dumbass e/c eyes again! it means i'll never have a proper hug from you, and that your dumbass remarks won't hurt my ears anymore!"

"you make it sound like i'm already gone, but i'm right here so stop defending your pride and give me a fucking hug already!"


he angrily wraps arms around your torso, sniffling.

"are you crying right now?"

"am not!"

"pftt sure."

"don't be blind you dumbass!"

"i may be a dumbass but you love this dumbass!"

"..hah. yeah."

"wait what-"

"i said keep telling yourself that!"

"humph! so stubborn!"



"..are you really leaving?"

"mhm. just don't worry, i'll call you all the time and don't worry that much anyways. i'll be back for breaks."

"..you sure.?"

"oh? is the ritsu sakuma being soft?!? it's a miracle!"

"shush. why didn't secchan say anything?"

"aha.. about that.."

"oh god. you poor soul."

"yeah just. gotta hope he doesn't go yandere and break my ankles."

"hah. sangwoo kinnie."

"i'm proud you made a reference but what the fuck compelled you to read that."

"dunno. i got bored."

"valid. anyways, as much as i love hugs from a clingy little shit named ritsu, ive got a few more goodbyes to get to."

"..just gimme a minute."

576 words
the amount of mental pain writing this gave me :,)

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