natsume birthday special

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"natsume~!! happy birthday!!"

"oh? how'd you know, y/n?"

"you told me like,, once and i put it on my calendar."

"well thank you, remembering is very nice of you."

"of course!! you're one of my partners in crime, after all!"

"hmm..your birthday's y/b/d, yes?"

"yep. why, you gonna get me something?"

"maybe. i was just trying to remember what your zodiac sign is."

"oh! i'm a (zodiac). you?"


"nice! what's with the sudden interest?"

"nothing, just remembering to check the compatibility sometime."

"oh, i didn't know you were that into zodiac signs. i would've bought you an aquarius necklace!"

"you don't have to get anything, darling. just grace me with your presence for a few hours."

"wow. smooth."

"but of course. what's the point of trying to bewitch a crowd without the skills?"

"to have fun?"

"...fair point."

"yep! now c'mon, you have genshin on one of these computers don't you? let's play!"

"alright, but i need to farm artifacts today."

"awh but that's so boring-"

"it's my birthday."

"er,, what i meant to say was of course we can, natsubae. happy birthday!"

"thank you, darling."
191 words
did i almost forget his birthday? no. i did :,) i am ceo of forgetting birthdays

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