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"so we henceforth declare never to let y/n deal with directions again."

izumi bangs a cheap kiddie toy on the table as a gavel, sora busy examining the toys attached instructions.

"wow. don't even have a testimony? who's the jury?"

"all of us."

"oh! then i must be innocent."

"lol no."

"wow. i feel betrayed."

"sena. you broke sora's toy."

"oh what."

"yeah this part's supposed to move but it hasn't since you banged it on the table."

"whatever it was a stupid cheep toy."

"but,,,why would sora have gotten a kids meal if he didn't want the toy?"

",,sora did kinda want it,,"

"that's all i needed. get over here so i can snap your neck, sena."

natsume is on the verge of climbing across the table.


"no, not you darling."

"y/n why would you want your neck to be snapped by natsume what the fuck?"

"huh? why wouldn't i?"


",,ignoring that, what the actual fuck did you put in that poor cup rantaro?"

"isn't it obvious? all the drinks!"

",,,wait wasn't that one of those machines with all the soda's and flavors for that brand..?"

his dead eyes pierce through yours.


"sora's intimidated."

"aha. ahaha. ha."

the silence is ignored as everyone finally gets around to stuffing their faces.

"oh! i got my toy to work!"

"yay! it's actually kinda cute how they make it walk- wAIT DONT LET IT FALL-"

it falls. right on ritsu's face, who was curled into a ball on the bench sleeping.

"uuh are you ok sakuma? sora's sorry."

"it's whatever."

"wha- don't go back to sleep! i bought you food to eat!"

"then feed me."



"anyone want the rest of these?"

"why would you get the chicken nuggets if you weren't going to eat all of them?"

"isn't it obvious? i ate the carbs first."

"understandable have a nice day."

"should you guys honestly have ditched the building? that's kinda your work??"

"it's fine. if eichi really wanted us back he'd track our phones and show up in a helicopter."

",,,might've jinxed that,,"

koga points out the window and you realize it's really fucking loud.


izumi gets a call.

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