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"yo, older sakuma!"


"where can we find your dog or whatever we wanna recruit him into our new cult."

"it's not a cult."

"koga? the dogs probably in the practice room with the others. we're number 5. if not, the light music room. if you hear really loud bass or guitar playing he's in there."

"oh nice."

"welp, let's track him down!"


"god guys be more enthusiastic."

"oh whatever. let's just check their practice room."
"okay who opens the door."



"bleh y'all are no fun."

"just open it already."

"i am, i am."

you fling the door wide open.

"oh hey saku- never mind it's just little sakuma."

"i will stab you hakaze."

"we're looking for the doggy, is he in here?"

"nope- oh wait are you a girl?"

"that took longer than i thought."

"usually he can sense a female from a mile away."


"hey beautif-"

"and that's our cue to leave."

"bye quiet guy in the back."

"alright, this is the light music room."

"yuta, aren't you in this club?"


"are we sure he's in there? i don't hear the ear bleeding guitar."

"i mean it wouldn't hurt to check."

another door flung open.



"oh hey he actually is in here."

"you can tell because the loud cursing."


"hey oogami."

"yuta what the fuck is with the damn pack??"

"oh my god people call him dog and he actually acts kinda like one is he a fucking furry?"

"wouldn't surprise me."

"nothing surprises you ritsu. i'm shocked you have a soul."

"i'm shocked you know what a soul is with that pea brain of yours."

"can you guys like,,, not?"

"hey guys i successfully recruited koga in the time you were being dumbasses."

"this is why we love you yuta. you're the only one with brains."


"yo anyways what the fuck is your name? i've just heard dog."

"it's koga oogami, bitch."

"that was so dramatic. 'it's koga oogami, bitch' like what the fuck?"

"shut up asshat, like you could do any better!"

"i so fucking could. watch me, bitch. y/n sena, bad ass bitch, nice to meet you."

"why the fuck can't you just accept defeat for once y/n."



"oh my fucking god."

"..let's just start walking to the fountain. they'll follow along i guess."

"uh.. yeah."

"can't we just dump them somewhere..?"

"sadly, no."


"good. hey by the way,"


"fuck you :)"

"i'm going to slaughter you ritsu."

"try me, bitch."
434 words
oh hey i'm on a roll today lmao.
y/n, ritsu, and koga: *does stupid shit*
mao and yuta: can we just like,, die?

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