morhers day special

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"auntie! happy mother's day~!"

"oh? my dear niece got me something~?"

"yup! you can totally admit your favoritism now, because izu hasn't given you anything~"

"you spoke too soon, dipshit."

a wrapped box bangs against the back of your head, your beloved cousin standing beside you.

" never let me have my moments!"

"what. you have moments with ritsu all the time. i take you to my idol work?? if anyone spoils the other, i spoil you."

"oh! are you saying i should've got you something for mother's day?"


"lighten up kids. did you tell m/n happy mother's day?"

"mhm~! it was early for her though."

"sucks to suck."

"shut up zumi, no one asked you!"

"the next time either of you argue mother's day is cancelled and you don't get cake."

"aha we are very dEFINITELY GETTING ALONG."

"do we have any shrimp..?"

"nope! now go vacuum the house. cake is earned on mother's day."

"izumi has a diet, can i have the cake for him?!"

"hey! one piece of cake won't make me overweight!"

you square him up.

"keep telling yourself that."

auntie just smiles, bringing you both under her arms in a hug.

"my sweet little babies, you're so cute when you argue~"

"we are not! that's any of the two idols,,."

"oh my god. now i know where she gets it."

"hah?! what's that supposed to mean?!"

247 words
happy mother's day!! give the important female parental figure/mom in your life a hug or call! idc just wish them a happy mother's day.

on a different note, ask me questions for the q&a😤

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