39. world dominator

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"...what way was the library again.? i'm so fucking lost. shouldn't have let koga walk off.."

"this way?? i feel like it's this way??"

"..this is a wall."

"aha! and it's.. uh.. these thingys..."

you finally found the elevator down to natsume's base again.

"natsume~!! i took like an hour trying to find this place an- sORAA~!!!"

"wow that's loud."

"good afternoon y/n! sora's happy to see you!"

"i'm happy to see you too sora! your pastel hair is so adorable oh my gosh."

"n/n, stop trying to braid his hair for a second and come over here."

"damn it natsume he's so adorable."

"yeah, yeah i've got shit for you though."


"sora helped master put together a few gifts for you!"

"awwww- wait damn it took an hour?"

"yeah i had to borrow a few things. anyways here."

"a charm bracelet with a pentagram on it? gee how festive."

"it's a protection thing not satanic you dumbass."

"wait really-"

"if you don't mind, sora would like you to see his present!"



"sora got you a group picture of most of the units at yumenosaki!"

"oh hey i didn't meet a lottt of these guys wow."

"yeah you never really asked for a proper tour."

"oh. i guess i didn't whoops."

"i'm just gonna give you this entire box full of rock salt and blessed items too, maybe a jar of moon water-"

"jesus christ only stuff that fits in my pockets please."

"uhm. how big are your pockets?"

"damnn. i could probably fit one of each??? i have no fucking clue."

"sora thinks that'd work.."

"can i get one last look around your lab too?"

"sure, but how many other goodbyes do you have to get done?"

"aha..ha...just one.."

"oh god. it's sena's turn, isn't it?"

"ehe maybe.."

"you're stalling aren't you?"

"um.. no..?"

"of cours-"

"oo tell me about this random thing on your desk so i can-"

"do you want me to go with you?"

"..no. i really know i should confront him by myself and all but i just.."

"don't have the heart?"

"yeah. i'm kinda worried he's gonna stalk yuu more when i leave. poor kid."

"i mean he doesn't stalk him as much as he could."

"sora doesn't like seeing y/n's aura sad...would y/n mind if sora gave her a hug..?"

"oh my god please i love loli hugs so much i feel like i could pick you up and take you home!"

"aha please don't."

"then join our hug natsume!"

"it's too hard hugging you with so much shit in your pockets."

"wha-? how many boys in this school are tsundere holy shit."

"masters just like that because of how cute y/n is!"

"of course the darling's cute sora, it would take an idiot to think otherwise."

"you guys are to sweet."

"so we should stop?"

"oh hell no i fucking love compliments! bonus points when they're from adorable idols i befriended purely by annoying people!"

"..you're still stalling huh?"


"are you surrreee we shouldn't go with?"

"masters right, sora thinks you look 'dead inside' or so."

"thanks but i'll be fine- wait sora who taught you that?"

"midori is always talking like that, so sora picks up on a few terms."

"aight natsume where the fuck can i find that guy he sounds depressed."

"befriending him right before you leave would make him more depressed."

"fair point. counter argument: i-"

"stop stalling."

"..fine. cya some other day you two, now give me another hug."

"have fun telling sena."

"sora wishes you good luck~!"

"alright! time to go confront izumi!"
615 words
the full translation of the music story isn't on the wiki :,) i'll have to make due with what ik

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