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"wait so what're you guys here for today?"


"natsume wanted to see what all the hype about twilight was."

"wow that's a nasty glare."

"it's just for research purposes i swear-"

"y/n tried the same excuse when i asked her about her 'my psycho boyfriends' phone game."

"wOW OKAY I DIDN'T KNOW ID GET COMPLETELY EXPOSED FOR THAT. also in my defense one of them looks like neito monoma and i am such a simp for that asshole-"

"we get it, you've got an obsession with blonde anime boys."

"not all of them i mean 707 is way better than yoosung-"

"please change the subject."

"ouch. well at least you were polite about it i guess mao."

"let's get back to literally any other topic."

"do you all like dye your hair or is it natural-"

"okAY why doesn't someone besides y/n speak."

"sora thinks y/n's cute when she rambles!"


"wow she's broken."

"who knew one compliment would have such an affect."

"i'm litterally gonna start screeching sora why're you so adorable and blunt my heart can't take it-"

"she kinda just casually accepts ritsu's affection but y'know a single compliment from a loli and boom. broken."

"you'd think she'd retort our comments."

"nah her brains prolly in a state of panic."

"why though it's just a compliment-"

"huehh i have literally no idea how such a pretty little loli baeby finds me cute but thank you smol bean.."

"that's a lot of weird little fan girl words. wow, what a simp."

"shut it ritsu i will drop you."

"again? really? be more original."

"although i do see where sora's coming from in regards to appearance, you are quite loud."


"whatever, i'll take the partial compliment."

"i didn't mean any offense by it.. oh well, scum like me just can't read a room."

"did someone accidentally manifest nagito komaeda 'cause holy shit tsumugi you seem like a literal carbon copy. can you do me a favor and say stepping stone-"

"y/n. tone it down on the references please. i mean i love danganronpa too but,,, you gotta stop."

"you guys are no fun.."

"i personally think i am."


"oh yeah. natsume's a magician."

"most of my tricks are safer outside, however. sora and tsumugi know a bit too. it's part of what makes switch unique."

"that's the coolest thing ever. what else can you do?"

"most of them are better where we aren't in a store full of flammable shit."

"that's a good point."

434 words

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