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you tripped, accidentally tackling yuta and sending you both down a small hill. concerned for his safety, you make sure to have a secure hold on him seeing how you're the reason both of you were rolling down a hill. oh well you can't have a very long monologue when you're only gonna be rolling for about another seco-

hey look you stopped.

"awe i was kinda hoping we'd roll for longer. you're cute with that little scared look."

"wow you guys can really roll."

"is the blimp gone?"

"yup. he prolly went off to practice or annoy hidaka and mashiro."

"i really pity the theatre club."

"oh fuck we really better get going- practice only lasts so long."

"yeah. by the way are grass stains possible to get out? i feel like a kid took a crayon to me."

"that sounds like a you problem- wait fuck it's ours too yuta has one on his back.."

"maybe kagehira or itsuki would know.? itsuki probably gets stains out for kagehira all the time."

"welp. we can go there after parfaits."

"yep we still don't even know if they have parfaits yet too."

"i mean we could make some."

"eh let's just hurry up this stain is so damn annoying."

you all busted ass getting to the cafeteria, got parfaits because luckily there were some out, and have begun the walk to the handicrafts club where the itsuki guy is.
239 words
if i said uso desu yo would any of you know where it's from..?

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