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"are there even maps of this place.?"

"no need! comics are an aisle away from manga, so i know exactly where he's at. we should probably get ritsu though."

"not it."

"not it!"

"fuck! i'm supposed to rescue the fish baeby!"

"well,,,bring ritsu with. i gotta peel the rest of the stickers off mao."

"i don't want any more stickers. please y/n?"

"..fine. you better hope yuta got that cake pop or i might be anger."

"damn. guess i have perfect timing. here's your drinks, and yes, you got a cake pop."

"we should- y/n did you just shove the entire fucking cake pop in your mouth?!?"

"no don't make her laugh she's gonna choke!"

"whatever i hope she does at this point."

"bitch don't critique me how else are you supposed to eat a damn cake pop and not lose toppings?!?"

"you bite it like a normal god damn person you psychopath!"

"i'm impatient leave me alone!"

"stop arguing guys we gotta get shinkai."

"oh yeah- fuck. ritsu wake your ass up and stand please."


"because we gotta get shinkai. he got lost."

"..dumbass. carry me."

"i literally weigh 100.4 pounds. you see these arms? they're god damn noodles. i physically cannot carry you."

"pft i weigh 10 pounds more than you."

"i'm literally a twig with arms and legs."

"fine. i'll just lean on you then."

"that's more clinging to me but sure. now c'mon shuffle your little feet faster i'm literally a speed walking queen."

"it would go faster if you picked me up."

"like i said, i'm too much of a twig."

"the others are prolly already with kanata. just put me back in the stuffies.."

"no. i told shinkai i'd be the one to rescue him from the comic aisle!"

"god you're petty."

"shut up. you're lazy as fuck."

"least i weigh a decent number."

"i will fucking drop you."

"pft you aren't holding me anyways."

"oh shut it. your drink's cold and freezing my hand, can't you just walk normally??"

"hm...nah. just keep walking."

"sometimes i wonder why you're one of my favorite people."

"why i'm what?"

"nothin', don't worry about it."

"oh so you won't admit i'm your favorite person?"

"i said one of, dumbass."

"that's bullshit."

380 words
please let me know who you want to have more screentime, 'cause or else it's just gonna be the investigation team and waifu.

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