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"okay! now we can start practice."

"great. i'll wake sakuma."

"oh god wait no don't do the thing-"

apparently the thing was dumping the sleeping boy out of the chair. what the fuck izumi. it worked to say the least, because the pair of red eyes opened.

"i've told you to stop waking him up like that."

"yeah well name a better way to do it."

"that was the best thing i've ever seen holy shit izumi."

"see? despite being an idiot she has a small amount of common sense to see what works."

while they argue, you look back to see the ritsu guy tiredly leaning on arashi.

"holy fuck that's one of the cutest things i've ever seen."

he lazily looks at you.

"..who the fuck are you.?"

"that's izumi's cousin y/n."

"why the fuck do your cheeks look so squishy."

"oh. i talked to you on the phone a bit ago when trying to reach secchan.. you're annoying."

"she really is."

"i blame you for ruining their opinion of me izumi."

"look into a damn mirror and tell me that face didn't ruin first impressions."

"..i'm gonna tell auntie you're bullying meee!"

"go for it."

"'kay great! when she takes away all your electronics i'll be the only source of entertainment-"

"i'll just paint a wall or something i wouldn't willingly talk to you even if we were the last people on earth."

"oh fuck you."

"um,,, we need to practice sena,,"

"yeah yeah. stay where you are y/n."

"sure. but first, i'm gonna go to the bathroom i spotted down the hall."

"whatever just don't be too long."

you quickly left.

"....you know there's no bathroom in this hall...right secchan..?"

"oh fuck."

"yeah. you might wanna track her down before she runs into someone like hasumi or tenshouin..."

"god we're dead if tenshouin gets her."

313 words

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