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"dude teach me your ways. imagine how much shit i could get out of with smoke bombs."

"please don't,, sena would kill us."

"damn it mao i'm trying to prepare for world domination here!"

"and i'm trying to prevent world domination."

"oh whatever. just give me all of your numbers and call it good."

"pft sure."

【witches and soon to be disciple】
i'm getting those lessons right..?

don't forget your daily sacrifice🥰
how else are we gonna achieve ultimate power

nagito komaeda
as long as you don't become a genuine terrorist it should be fine

you can learn with sora!

you use emoticons oh my god that's so you
also tsumugi, as komaeda 2 pls don't become a remnant of despair like,,, keep your hand pls

nagito komaeda
i'm sorry, what?

don't forget your daily sacrifice🥰
sorry for his dumbass despite knowing the ins and outs of both the secret and non secret library, he's stupid enough to not give a fuck about manga or anime
also yeah i can kinda see him cutting off his hand for junko

i'm glad at least one of you understands

master won't let sora play or watch danganrumples

sorry but
also you're way too pure for that show
stay the small little baby duck you are

"are you guys really texting? you're right in front of each other."

"shh. every time y/n sends a text she stops to play this memory-whatever game that's very obviously otome but the plot is mmm."

"y'know i keep forgetting you're a snoop. it's mayday memory, dummy."

"shut up and go murder adrian already."

"out of energy."


"i got more of these games tho-"

"so uhm dinner's almost ready at my house and aniki's been bugging me for the last hour, would it be okay to split up for today?"

"finally, someone made a valid excuse."

"awe fine.."

"don't be sad y/n~ you can text us or see us monday~!"

"wait what? are you inviting me to invade yumenosaki on monday?!? that's so sweet!"

"oh god kanata what have you done?!"

"you can see the hidden library."

"i'll be able to show you more magic tricks."

"sora could..uhm.. shower you in compliments..?"

"deal. i would honestly not mind getting paid with loli compliments."

"cool. i'll be free all day, classes are for dumbasses, not genius witches."

"i should totally skip class and hang out wit-"

"sorry but the look momao is giving you is so threatening please stop discussing shit a mother would not approve of."

"i mean,, i play an electric guitar."

"yeah who the fuck cares about an education. we should go to the hidden library and play guitar while practicing witchcraft."

"oh i have some spells that require heavy metal music played live you guys ca-"

"can you guys nOT?"

"..we shall discuss this later. for now, it's goodbye you rainbow of hair colors~! see you tomorrow~!"

"i think she means your nightmares, because that's definitely where i see her."

"awe you dream about me that's sweet."

"that's not what i meant and you know it!"
528 words
we reached 1k reads and idk how literally why guys i don't understand dksskksksk
but i like writing this so stick around

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