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"alright i'm leaving!"

"moms making f/d tonight don't be out too long."

"mkay, cya i'm gonna go stalk yuuki."

"whateve-waiT WHAT-"



"who're we still waiting for?"

"uh.. looks like ritsu and mao."

"not surprising."

"nope. i'll be surprised if they make it in general."

"oh whatever, let's go pick out disguises while we wait."

"so we're dressing in pairs?"

"yup. me and shinkai, you and koga, and mao and ritsu."

"oh boy."

"do you even know what the fuck you're gonna wear?"

"duh. i've got a lotta free time. me and shinkai are gonna wear this yellow pastel ribbon loli thingy."

"of course you are."

"don't roll your eyes at me, i've got a gun!"

"it's a prop you dumbass!"


"why did you think they'd have real guns in a god damn school??"

"i don't know i just did!"


"shut up ritsu- oh hey guys took you long enough."

"yeah i had to forcefully unlock ritchans door. it's one of those ones where the outside part is like a little circle thing..?"

"i..think i get what you mean..?"

"yeah well he locked me out of his room and i had to figure out how the hell you can pick one of those."

"i feel like you need way more sleep than he does."


"that was the most depressing laugh i've ever heard."

"damn mao are you mentally okay..?"

"you wanna go puka puka to relax after this..?"

"not everything can be solved by puka pukaing, kanata."

"you've obviously never set foot in that damn fountain. it's soothing."

"can we just get this over and done with? maa can just nap with me later."

"oh yeah! you guys get to wear matching outfits."


"if you finish that sentence with a complaint i'm breaking out the sailor uniform."

"...never mind."

"that's what i thought. anyways, if you guys can't choose something cute that i approve of in the time it takes me and shinkai to get dressed then i'm choosing for you."

"oh god."

"she's gonna choose loli clothes..."

"just gotta pick something cutesy she'd like then i guess.."

"yup! now get to it!"

"did you guys find something?"

"uh yeah,,, you were in there for 15 minutes."

"shut up it's a complicated outfit!"

",,,kanata got dressed in 5,,"

"shush! this big bow thingy is weird!"

"it's not tied properly y/n.."


"shut up ritsu!"

"trying to keep track of the amount of times you guys tell each other to shut up is starting to give me a headache."

"wow i didn't know you could count koga!"

"yup. anyways, mao can you fix this bow thingy? i'm dumb."

"that you are."

"one more god damn insult and you're getting the sailor uniform."


"pffftt! he actually shut up!"

"..can i still insult koga..?"

"yeah sure go ahead."

"if you think my silence is amusing let's see how you feel after i rip out your tongue and shove it down your throat."

"damn that's actually threatening."

"what the fuck you give y/n the half assed ones!!??"

"tehe~ i'm the favorite!"

"you wish."


"o-oh please no-"

"how about you give him one more chance y/n? you can pick out our outfits."

"awe fine..but next time ritsu. you're wearing the sailor uniform including the skirt and stockings."

"..mao you're a literal lifesaver."

"i know. now c'mon, we gotta make sure she isn't picking something super flashy so we stand out in public."

"oh god.."
587 words
we're finally at 20 parts..! thank god! i keep telling myself i'm gonna wrap up the book but,,,, i'm having too much fun writing these dumbass scenarios and plus i have no clue where to connect the story and the ending. i mean,, ive got it all planned out but i need to connect the two dots. i'm also trying to work on other books and failing lmao. so this story's probably gonna make it to at least 25 parts before i start wrapping it up. thanks!

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