ritsu birthday special

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"i really don't see why you're following me. it's just a dumb celebration."

"but it's for ritsu. when will you realize he's my favorite little shit? well next to you of course izumi."

"gee what a fucking title."

"oh shut up. what's your present for him anyways?"

"he's in the tea club so i got a sugar bowl."

"who the fuck would want a sugar bowl???"

"it's got cats on it. i win bitch."

"nu-uh! i got an umbrella for his vampire ass, and a pack of like five sleep masks."

"do you like,, know nothing about him?"

"i literally barely know your friends dummy. coulda given me some help but noooo"

"stop your whining, dumbass."

"holy shit that's a pretty cake!"


"there's so many colorful berries!!!! i'm literally in heaven!!"

"you put your gift under it for now. it'll get served later."

"i'm not dumb, 'zumi. i've been to birthday party before."

"great. this time you aren't running off so easily. i got one of those kid leashes to-"

"sena? yeah she's gone, you need to stop breaking into monologues."


"naruu! where's the birthday boy!?"

"well gee good morning to you too n/n."

"awe don't be like that! you can mess with my hair later i just wanna annoy ritsu on his day y'know?"

"alright alright~ he's avoiding sakuma senior behind the snack table."

"thanks naru you're the best ever!"

"stay safe~"

"dude ritsu did you even think of reaching up to steal snacks while you're there? these walmart cookies are so good."

"y/n what the fuck are you doing here?!"

"i'm wishing you happy birthday, duh."

"yeah but i'm pretty sure i forgot to invite you.."

"bitch. i go through izumi's phone when i'm bored, so i knew today was your birthday. my gifts under the cake."

"oh god if you got me any girl clothes i swear-"

"nah you're safe for now. i'm not the grandparent who gets clothes."

"thinking about what you got me is actually terrifying."

"thanks. where's mao anyway i thought you'd be clinging to him by now?"

"hell no. he's with the only nuisance bigger than you."

"wow such a person exi- oh it's just big sakuma. why don't you like him anyways? i mean my siblings are extremely annoying but i don't act like this."

"he's unreliable."

"..and.? like i'm gonna get anything from that."

"he was gone all last year."

"awe do you missed him and are bitter about it! that's so damn cute. don't worry ritsu you've got mao and i."

"and you.?"

"yep. i plan to stick around for a while, so you can depend on me too."

"..are you sure..? no doubts.?"

"well yeah i- oh yay hugs."

"it's not a hug. now take me to tsukippi. he needs to stop doodling on the table cloth."

"..to who?"

"leo, dumbass."

"oh! yeah that makes more sense."


"no worries, you big baby."

"don't even start with the nicknames. you're more of a simp than hakaze."

"wow okay. that one hurts."
505 words
it's september 22nd in japan, meaning ritsu's birthday has officially begun! i stg since writing this i've grown attached to the little shit. also how the fuck did i never know rei gave him abandonment issues by leaving like,,,, damn poor baeby :(

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