Visitors from hell

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(2 months later) (Panda POV)

The doors opened wide, a man sitting on the large throne looked contempt but also was itching for something anything so that he could be free and help his child. He raised his large slender hand and snapped his fingers. Once he did this a tall slender figure entered the open doors and were shut behind them, the sound of heels clicked on the floor as well as a sliding sound, the person stopped and bowed as the man stood from his throne.

"Stand, you know you don't have to bow after all I'm not your king" he said in a low growling voice, the figure stood.

"I know sir but I still serve you in hell until she is ready for her people" she said in a deep smooth voice, the figure was a women. The man on the throne smiled.

"She will be soon, Solaris she just needs someone to help her think, she's torn between her own feelings and the humans she rules" he said, waving his hand left to right. Solaris nodded and bowed again.

"I understand I will go on your orders my lord to act as her guide" she said, the man nodded and motioned her away, the girl then turned and left the room leaving the man to his own thoughts and the stillness of the room. He chuckled a bit then looked at a statue of a women sitting on top of a pedestal her eyes white and glazed over. He smiled and touched her stone cheek.

"Our daughter will be a great queen and I will help her so" he said, he then walked away from the statue and out of the throne room. Meanwhile Solaris walked down the long dark halls of the nether castle she went into a door to a small room, it was her own. Even though the castle was huge she didn't want to have a big room she didn't need to much space to sleep. She opened her dresser swiftly and pulled out her uniform

"Don't worry my dear, I shall help you choose the right path" she said and she undressed and put her uniform on, it was tight and fit all her curves but it helped her move faster and quicker. She looked in the mirror and smiled. 

"I am ready for you my queen" she said then left her room down the hall to a large staircase, she began to descend the stairs which turned from nether brick to a cracked stone. At the bottom of the stairs lay a large portal to the overworld, she stepped through with a deep breath. This was going to be interesting.

(Aphmau POV)

It had been 2 months since Aaron became my protector and I received his gift, nothing has really happened the village has been fairly quiet other than Laurence getting into it with Aaron but that's kinda normal at this point. I sighed and slipping into the dress Aaron had given me, fluffed my hair and opened the window. The breeze felt wonderful on my face, I smiled and looked down at the water and then to side at the village it was a nice day today. I then walked downstairs to see Aaron drinking tea with Zoey, they smiled.

"Good morning lady Aphmau" Zoey said, I smiled and sat with them as Aaron poured me some tea.

"How did you sleep mlady?" Aaron asked, I nodded.

"I slept pretty well, it's such a beautiful day today" I said, he nodded and sipped his tea.

"Perhaps we could go for a walk today after the rounds?" Aaron asked I nodded and smiled.

"That sounds great" I said, he smiled at me causing me to blush slightly and we got up to go. As we left the house the breeze was slowing but the air was still warm. We walked around the village checking on everyone and making sure nothing was wrong when suddenly Dante came running at us slightly scared.

"Lady Aphmau there is something at the gate, it's looking for you" he said, I didn't no what he meant so I lifted my dress up a bit so it wouldn't get caught and then me and Aaron followed after him to the gate where Laurence and Garroth were, weapons out ready to attack when told to. I looked through the gate to see a tall slender women standing, she was dressed in a tight fit body suit with mesh underneath, long black gloves, metal shoulder pads and metal armor on her sides as well as tall thigh high boots.

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