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(Aaron POV)

"I was sent by" she started, I nodded and waited for her to finish. She sighed.

"Her father" she said, I was confused.

"But how she said he died when she was very young??" I asked, she nodded.

"He did in the mortal world, he is currently in the nether acting at its lord until the day he can return to be Aphmau advisor when she becomes queen" she said, I was in shock, he's in hell and sends Solaris just to help his daughter but why can't she know?

"Then why can't Aph know? I know she's been having strange dreams lately" I said, she nodded.

"Yes he is meeting her in them to slowly integrate himself into her mind so she will remember but he won't tell her because it isn't time yet, once he returns she will know, both he and her mother had planned this since she was young" she said, I kinda understood but then I thought of her brother Jin.

"But what Jin?? He has to know right? What if he tells her?" I asked, she shook her head.

"No, neither child knows, but he has been visiting Jin as well to prepare him to protect her for what's to come and help her build her future" she said, I nodded and then thought about myself and Solaris.

"What about me and you?? Will we be forgotten?" I asked with drooping ears, she giggled and shook her head.

"No you will stay by her side and as will I, this change will not stop us from being by her side when she will be in need of us most" she said, I smiled and nodded.

"Ok I understand but I have one more question" I said, she nodded for me to continue.

"What about this village, what will happen?" I asked, she shook her head.

"What I do not know but all I know is it will not fall to ruin" she said, I nodded.

"Ok we'll I'm going to sleep you should to" I said, she nodded and we departed to bed.

(The next morning) (Aphmau POV)

I yawned and sat up from my bed, it was still early but I wanted to check on the village as well as Solaris and maybe go to that pond with Aaron. I slowly got out of bed and got dressed in a cute light purple short dress with long black socks and some white flats. I then left my room and down the the kitchen where Solaris, Zoey and Aaron were drinking tea.

"Good morning m'lady did you sleep well?" Solaris asked, I nodded.

"Yes I did, would you guys like to come with me on my rounds?" I asked, Aaron and Solaris nodded and we left. As we walked down the path I noticed all the guards at the gates.

"Solaris hide your wings and such, I'm not sure who or what's at the gate" I said, she nodded and they disappeared and we ran to the gate.

"What's going on here?" I asked, just then I got a shiver down my spine and felt rage boil in me.

"Hello lady Aphmau" it was Zane, I scoffed.

"What do you want?" I asked, Garroth stepped into view.

"He came to speak to me lady Aphmau" he said, I nodded and stood in back.

"No as I was saying, I fear that poison will not kill the queen now I feel she has gotten stronger and so I've brought you some something stronger, it will be slow but she will die" he said, I clenched my fists. Garroth took the arrows and a small bottle of the poison, probably for his sword.

"Once I find her I'll kill her then we will have peace and you'll leave us alone" he said, Zane chuckled and nodded.

"Of course, now I must be off good bye brother, goodbye lady Aphmau" he said as he turned to leave. I wanted to kill him so badly, but I couldn't I took at deep breath and turned to do my rounds in silence. Once far enough away Aaron spoke up.

"Who was that? And why did he speak to Garroth of killing a queen?" He asked filled with rage, I turned to him and hugged him to calm him down.

"That was Garroths younger brother, he commissioned Garroth to kill the queen of hybrids, that's why I don't know what to do" I said, he was more pissed. I could tell he wanted to kill Garroth but I couldn't let him. He then took a deep breath.

"That's why you couldn't tell him" he said, I nodded and we went home. I didn't want to do anything today know it was ruined.

(Garroth POV)

I took the poison and my brother soon left, as I turned Aphmau was gone, I could tell she was pissed he was here but I never understood why when it came to this job from him. I shrugged it off and went back to the guard tower. 

(The next day)(Aphmau POV)
(Romance warning)

After yesterday I just sat in my room staring out the window thinking, what will I do? What CAN I do? I sighed as the door opened to reveal Aaron. He came in with a smile.

"You ok if I come in?" He asked, I nodded and he sat next to me, I smiled and leaned on his shoulder. I felt free with Aaron, I felt safe. I looked at him his eyes shined. I blushed as I felt myself leaning into him closer to his lips, he didn't move and let me do what I wished. I softly kissed him which he did back, I felt so good so warm and safe. I then set my hands on his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around me and we continued to kiss, I didn't want it to end I started getting hot. He then pulled away and laid me down, I was a blushing mess as he removed his shirt and came back to me above me. I touched his chest and saw his tail wag and hearts form in his eyes.

"I will always be here for you" he said as he leaned down and kissed me again, I nodded in the kiss and he soon lay next to me holding me. I was so safe with him I didn't want to get up I could stay like this for hours, which we did.

(Solaris POV)

I sat in my room and pulled out my pendant and called my lord.

"How is it going? Is she safe? Did she accept you?" He asked, I see where she got her questioning from.

"It's going fine, yes she is safe and yea she did very quickly" I said, he smiled.

"Good good, don't worry it won't be long" he said, I nodded and hung up and laid on my bed. She will be safe and I will help her be happy.

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