A plan to get in and see Aph

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(??? POV)

We stayed in the old house for a few more days. Sky, Ross and Barney went out to find a village and some food, so I was alone. I sat on the old wooden floor when the door slowly opened, I turned my head, extending my wings so I could fight with them, just then I saw who it was.

"Luna!?" I said confused and retracting my wings, she came in and closed the door behind her, sitting next to me.

"Hi Jin" she said upset, I placed my hand on her shoulder, she looked at me sadly.

"What's wrong Luna?" I asked her, she sniffles.

"I was arrested but thanks to somebody I got out but now I can't be there to protect her." She said putting her head in her hands.

"What did you do this time?" I asked her, she looked away and twiddled her thumbs.

"I may have accidentally 1 shown my hybrid form to a human and 2 slashed at that said human" she said quietly, my eyes widened.

"Why?!" I asked loudly

"Well I was in a village near here and the Lord went to O'khasis to talk to the high priest and the lords head guard was waiting at the gate for her and I came up behind him and he didn't know I was there and he stabbed me, I was fine but I couldn't control my rage so I kind of slashed at him and was arrested" she said, I facepalmed.

"So how did you managed to escape?" I asked

"Oh the lord helped me" she said with a smile.

"Who is the lord?" I asked her

"Its Aphmau" she said smiling more, my eyes widened and a smile crept onto my face, suddenly the door opened again to reveal Sky, Ross and Barney.

"Hey Jin, oh hey Luna" Ross said, I stood up quickly. Sky looked at me confused.

"What's up Jin?" He asked

"I think Luna found Aphy" I said exited, his and Barney's eyes widened.

"So's you's is saying's we's can's find's Aphmau's?" Barney asked in his broken Turkish accent, I nodded rapidly.

Sky, Ross and barney cheered, I laughed really hard, Luna just rolled her eyes.

"Luna you have to take us to that village!" Sky said exited.

"I can't!" She said, Ross became confused.

"Why can't you?" He asked scratching his head.

"Because she was arrested there and escaped" I said with sass.

"Don't you sass me, we all know Aphmau is the sass queen!" Luna said putting one hand on her hip and her other pointing up with her finger, Sky laughed.

"We could disguise you" Ross said, Luna nodded.

"That could work" Sky said

"OK let's do it!" Luna said exited.

(2 hours after the makeover)

(Jins POV still)

Luna was done, she came out from behind a curtain, her hair was no longer its black and blue, now it was pure white with faded horns coming out, she was now an elf, her skin was pale and her eyes were an icy blue, she had what looked like icy spiked shoulder armor, she had a traditional dark blue Japanese dress on with cherry blossoms near the slit by her upper thigh, she had white gloves with blue ice on the fingers, she had black thigh high socks and black flats. Barney looked at her in aww.

"Wow's!" Barney said quietly, sky looked at me with a smug face. Luna's face became red.

"OK, if we want to get into the village, Ross and Barney you need to hide your forms of power or well you will get what happened to me only you won't be able to escape." Luna said , I tuned to Ross and Barney. Ross had a large fluffy squirrel tail and little fluffy squirrel ears. Barney had a long tail and retracted dragon wings.

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