Dreams and Information

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(Aphmau POV) (A dream) (don't play the song yet)

I woke up softly in the forest, I sat up and then cringed as I arrow pierced my back, I screamed in pain and turned around my eyes widened as I saw Garroth and Laurence shooting at me, I looked closer to the tips of the arrows, they were poison arrows, tears fell from my eyes.

"Die you filthy beast!" Garroth yelled at me, I tried to stand but failed, then I realized my wings were out, blood dropped from them and I was covered in it, they shot again.

"P-please stop I thought we were friends?!" I cringed out, Laurence scoffed at me.

"How could we be friends with a beast like you and to think you were our lord!" He yelled at me, tears fell more, they shot more and more until my wings lifted me up, I shook my head as I couldn't control them, I flew at the boys at high speeds. I screamed more and more as my wings sliced the boys chests causing them to fall bleeding, I landed on the ground and this time I could move, I returned my wings and ran to them, I held Garroths chin, he spit at me.

"Get away from me MoNsTeR!!!!" He screamed at me, then I fell into darkness, voices around me screamed and shouted at me, they were all the voices of people from Phoenix Drop.

"MONSTER!! MOnStEr!! MonStER!! Monster!! MOnStEr!!! MoNsTeR!!! monster!!! MONster!!! monSTER!!! YoUr A mOnStEr ApHmAu NoBoDy WiLL eVeR WaNT yOU aRoUnD EVER AgAiN!!!!" They screamed, I cuddled into a ball crying blood, just then Jin came he was glowing white.

"Some queen you will be SiStEr killing your friend, you truly are The Angel of Darkness, just die already" then before I knew it a sharp poison spike ran through my torso, I gasped as my breath slowed, my eyes slowly shut as I saw Jin take the crown and place it on his head with Zane next to him just smirking, my eyes closed as my breathing stopped, a golden tear fell down my cheek, as I died in the darkness, Zane said something that made me cringe one last time.

"Die with your rotten mother!" He yelled to me, it all just ended.

(Dream end)(Garroth POV)

I opened my eyes suddenly to see Aphmau, crying and screaming in her sleep, she shook violently, I didn't know what to do, I shook her to wake her up, that didn't work, just then Jin burst through the door with Zoey, her eyes widened as she saw me shaking her, Jin pushed me away, his eyes glowing white, Zoey came over and touched his shoulder.

"Zoey can you sing?" He asked frantic, she was confused but she nodded, I moved to the other side of the bed as Zoey sat next to Aphmau, her head on Zoeys lap, Aphmau still shook and cried, Zoey twirled her hair in her fingers and hushed her while petting her head, Jin grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the bed, I sat next to him worried about Aph, he looked at me his eyes still glowing white.

"Garroth stay with her for the next few weeks please, this has happened before and she needs someone, if this happens again please call Zoey" he said as his eyes turned to a faint gold color, I nodded still confused about what was going on. I looked over at Zoey and listened to her sing.

(Play the song but don't continue reading till it's over Plz)

As Zoey sung to Aph she slowly swayed and I could see Aph was beginning to calm down, she wasn't shaking anymore or screaming, tears still fell from her cheeks but the only thing was different, she was whispering something, I leaned in and softly kisses her forehead once Zoey was finished singing, then I heard what she said.

"MoNsTeR that's all I am...." she said softly, I frowned and softly pet her hair, she calmed down only a little still whispering monster and small tears falling off her cheeks, Zoey had left and Jin was sitting in a chair next to her dresser.

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