The Visit

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(Aph's POV)

The scholars just left, they seemed nice, I looked at Garroth who was suspicious.

"What's wrong Garroth?" I asked, he looked at me.

"Its those scholars I didn't trust them and I think they may come back." He said sternly, I smiled and came up behind him and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Don't worry Garroth, if they come back then we'll keep an eye on them ok, but for now just go and relax"I said, he sighed.

"Yeah your right Aph, I'm gonna go to the plaza for now so be careful." He said to me, we waved to each other and he left. I turned around and looked at the ground, my smile faded.

"If only Jin would have came back like the scholars came today, but I've looked everywhere and he's nowhere to be found, that I know of" I said to myself, I sighed again and looked at the gate.

"I'm going out I need to stretch my wings" I said to myself, I could feel my wings wanting to escape from my back. I pulled out a piece of paper and a pen.

*going out for a bit don't worry I'll be back, from Aph* I put the note gate and left.

I ran a bit till I came to the clearing, I looked around again and saw nobody, I smiled and stretched my wings, the cold crisp air melted through them, I bit my lip and looked up at my outstretched wings, they blended in with the night sky other than the stars, they were magnificent, I swished them down as I flew into the air, the wind was cool but it felt good, I flew farther up into the sky, I could see everything, I saw the plaza of the village and Garroth standing by the lady Irene statue. I saw Laurence walking towards the gate, my smile faded, he saw the note and ran to the plaza. I dropped down to the ground and retracted my wings. I was out of breath, but I had to get back, I started to run as fast I could to the gates. Once they came into sight I could see Garroth and Laurence franticly running to the gates, I was in trouble. I stood outside the gates and collapsed onto the hard ground and the darkness slowly took me over.

(Garroth POV)

I stood in the plaza looking at the lady Irene statue when Laurence ran up to me, I was confused.

"What's wrong Laurence??" I asked, he had to catches his breath, once he did he looked at me frantically.

"Lady Aphmau is gone!?" He said, my eyes widened.

"What no I just saw her at the gate" I said, he shook his head.

"I was just there, she wasn't, all that was there was a note from her saying she would be back later and not to go look for her!" He said, I shook my head, Aph would never do this.

"Come on I'll show you!" He said and started to run, I rolled my eyes and ran after him.

(Over the bridge almost to the gates)

We ran frantically to the gates, as I saw the gates I saw a girl outside, she had suddenly collapsed onto the ground, it was Aphmau!

"APHMAU!!" I yelled and ran even faster, I made it to the gates before Laurence. We were out of breath but that didn't stop me. I opened the gates as fast as I could and ran to her. Her body was limp but she was warm, she only fainted thank Irene.

"Garroth is she ok?" Laurence asked me, I nodded.

"Yes but she needs rest" I said, I picked her up bridal style and I started to walk back to her house.

"I'll stay here Garroth just in case anybody comes to the gates" Laurence said, I nodded. I ran as fast as I could while holding Aph to her house, I made it and kicked the door in.

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