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(Aphmau POV)

It had been a couple weeks since Adam was turned and Aaron showed up, it's been nice and kinda quiet, I've been thinking about stuff. Like why I keep hiding my powers and my past from everyone and if I should just leave, I sighed I couldn't leave and I had to hide cause then Garroth would kill me and because they are my friends and I don't want to lose them. I shook it off and got dressed, I put on a long purple striped shirt with a black vest and small white faded to purple scarf, as well as some black shorts some white faded to purple knee high socks and some purple sneakers. I fluffed my hair out and went downstairs, there sat Aaron and Zoey sipping tea. Aaron's wounds have healed but he insists on staying at my house so he can protect me, I looked at his ears and tail, they were both black like his hair only with red tips, they were kinda cute. I shook it off and sat with them.

"Good morning Lady Aphmau" Zoey said sweetly, I smiled at her and drank some tea she poured for me.

"Mornin Aph" Aaron said with a smile and his tail wagged a little, I giggled.

"Morning guys, hey Aaron I noticed you haven't really left my house in a couple weeks wanna go on my patrol and see the place?" I asked, he smiled and nodded.

"Sure as long as I'm with you m'lady" he said, I nodded and we got up. We both put our tea cups in the sink and then we left the house, it was still early so not very many people were out, only Laurence, Dante and Garroth were out patrolling. I waved to them.

"Hey guys what's up?" I asked, Dante smiled.

"Not much lady Aphmau it's quite peaceful today" Dante said, I smiled.

"That's good, this is my friend Aaron he's the guy I saved a couple weeks ago, I'm showing him around the village" I said, he waved and Laurence just looked at him weird.

"What?" Aaron asked, Laurence shook his head.

"Oh nothing just don't think that since your here you can steal Aphmau away from us" he said, my eyes widened.

"Laurence don't be rude and Aaron isn't gonna steal me from anyone, he's my friend and he's staying here" I said, Laurence nodded and walked away, I sighed.

"Glad your doing better Aaron" Garroth said, he smiled.

"Yeah me to Aph is a real miracle worker" he said, Garroth nodded.

"Yeah she is, when I got attacked by a hybrid she healed me" Garroth said, Aaron nodded.

"I see so do you have a problem with all hybrids now? Like me?"Aaron asked, Garroth shook his head.

"No, I didn't no that werewolves were hybrids I just thought that they were magical creatures" Garroth said.

"That would mean all hybrids are magical creatures" he said, Garroth shrugged.

"But still I don't have a problem with you or werewolves or any other hybrid in this village like Kawaii~Chan" he said, Aaron nodded.

"Well I have to get back to my patrol, good day lady Aphmau" Garroth said with a bow then he walked away. Dante waved and ran after him.

"He's nice but the way he talked about our kind was just rude"he said, I shrugged.

"He doesn't know much about hybrids" I said, Aaron nodded.

"That's true" he said, we then walked around the village and I showed him everything we then went to the wall and saw Dante.

"Hey Dante can you open the gate we're gonna go see Jin" I said, he nodded and opened it, Aaron and I then walked out into the forest. We weren't going to see Jin though I wanted to sit in the forest with Aaron.

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