Returning home

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(Aphmau POV)

It was the last day here at the cabin, I was kinda sad I didn't want to leave but I had to. It was my duty and responsibility to take care of my village no matter how much I think about my place there or not. I got out of bed, grabbed a towel and walked out to the pond for a bath. I took my clothes off and slipped into the water it was cool but felt nice on my skin. I slowly walked to the waterfall to wash my hair when I saw Aaron walking out shaking the water off his head. He smiled when he was me and came over to give me a naked hug.

"Morning Aph how did you sleep?" He asked, I giggled and nodded to him and walked to the waterfall so he stayed with me.

"I slept pretty good I just with we didn't have to go back today" I said rinsing my hair me then ringing it out with my hands, Aaron nodded and took my hand pulling me through the water to the other side. I blushed as he picked me up and set me in the small rock, I cover my chest as they were completely exposed. Aaron chuckled and moved my hands making me blush even more.

"It's ok Aphmau at least we'll be together so I can keep you calm and help you destress if you'd like" he said smoothly, I giggled and kissed his nose.

"Thank you Aaron I'd like that" I said, he growled a bit in excitement and took my hand helping me back into the water and then out so I could grab my towel. Once I stepped out I wrapped my towel around me and Aaron got out with no towel.

"Aaron how come you don't have a towel?" I asked, he chuckled and shook a bit.

"I don't need one I can just shake off" he said, I giggled and walked over to our window, opened it from the outside and grabbed the spare towel I had left on the dresser. I threw it at Aaron and giggled.

"There now let's go inside and get dressed we have to get ready to head back today" I said, he grumbled but nodded as he wrapped the towel around his waist and we walked inside. Solaris was sitting at the table enjoying a cup of tea.

"You got him to put a towel on?" She said looking surprised, I giggled and nodded.

"Yeah I just threw one at him, so he wouldn't be walking through naked" I said, she smiled and we walked into our room. I closed the door and we got dressed, I put on my teal jumpsuit with some black flats. While Aaron was getting dressed I kissed him on the cheek and went to pack my stuff. Once we were done we walked out to Solaris who was waiting for us to come out, she smiled and we started to walk back. But before we left I turned back to look at the cabin one more time, I really didn't want to leave I sighed. Aaron put his hand on my shoulder.

"It'll be ok Aphmau you have us" he said, I smiled and grabbed his hand as we walked. We walked for 2 hours before we came back to the village, I let Aaron's hand go before we reached the gate. I didn't see anyone so Aaron yelled.

"Hello! Is anyone there?" He yelled, soon we saw Laurence coming down the path.

"Lady Aphmau, we didn't know you were coming back this early" he said as he opened the gate, I shook my head and smiled at him softly.

"It's ok Laurence we needed to get back" I said, he nodded but before he let us pass he stopped me.

"Um lady Aphmau, before you go home you should go to the guard tower theres um someone who's been waiting for you" he said kinda tense, I was confused but nodded and we walked to the tower.

(At the guard tower)

Once there I told Aaron and Solaris to guard outside while I was inside, they agreed and I climbed the ladder to the top. Once there I was in shock to see Garroth sitting across from the king of scaleswind, I bowed and sat next to Garroth.

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