A long sleepless night

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(Garroth POV)

Me and Aphmau released from our embrace, I wanted to lean in and just kiss her but I couldn't do that to Laurence (not yet anyways). Her hand slipped on my cheek again and she smiled at me.

"I think the others would like to see you Garroth and they are probably worried, so shale we go see them?" She said sweetly to me, I nodded and sat up, I flinched a bit as I stood, my legs were like jelly making me fall on.... H-her. Aphmau's arms were above her head, her hair was fanned out over her head as well. I blushed deeply and looked at her, she looked up at me and blushed the same.

"S-sorry lady Aphmau my legs aren't used to walking just yet" I said getting off of her as she lays there on the floor.

"You need a hand m'lady?" I said extending my hand to her, she nodded sitting up and grabbing my hand, she stood up facing me still holding my hand, it was so soft. We let go and she walked towards the door.

"Well let's go then" she said with a smile, I nodded and she opened the door stepping out as I followed her. The sun was bright up here. Aph walked over to the ladder.

"The others are down stairs if you want to see them" she said to me, I walked over to the ladder and she went down first. I inhaled and went down next. The others were sitting at the table not even noticing we were there yet.

"I really hope lady Aphmau is OK and I'm wondering what she is doing to help Garroth?" Dante said worried about me and Aph, though I am not going to tell them how she healed me. Lady Aphmau walked over behind Dante putting her hands on his shoulders giggling.

"Well Dante if you must know, I am fine I was just shaken up from being tied to a tree, and as for Garroth well I think you should turn around and see for yourself." She said to him, he stood up and turned around, seeing me standing there all better.

He ran to me and takle hugged me." Garroth oh my Irene your OK and your wound its gone, how? "He said letting me go looking at Aphmau.

"I don't know how you did it lady Aphmau but thank you so much" Dante said hugging her tightly, she did the same then released from the hug. Then Laurence came over to me, it looked like he was crying?

"Garroth your OK thank Irene I was really worried about you!" Laurence hugged me super tight but immediately released so he would still look tough. I laughed and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Its OK Laurence you can cry if you want to" I said still laughing at him. He started to pout.

"Laurence if you love Garroth so much then just kiss him already!" Aphmau said loudly so we both could hear, we both looked over at her and now she was on the floor laughing so hard she started to cry. I smirked, I then grabbed Laurence by the armor pushing him agents the wall holding him there.

"Why not Laurence I mean you do love me do you not?" I said sexly to him still holding him to the wall. Laurence became frantic.

"Garroth no I will not kiss you, never ever in my life!" Laurence was trying as hard as he could to release himself from my grip but he failed.

"Fine then let's just hold each other then hmm?" I said in the same tone as before, I slowly crept my hands up him arms slightly holding him. Just then Laurence pushed me off and ran as fast as he could away from me, I fell to the floor with Aphmau laughing and starting to cry.

"Good one Garroth even after all that blood loss your still our Garroth" Dante said extending his hands to me and lady Aphmau, we both excepted and stood up.

"Lady Aphmau and Garroth you both need some serious rest after all that has happened, Garroth go up to your room and I will walk you home m'lady, goodnight Garroth." Dante said, I nodded and so did lady Aphmau.

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