An unexpected surprise

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(Don't play the song just yet ok thanks )(were starting off were Laurance was cut off by w mysterious person showed up)

(Garroth POV)

 " A MoNStEr".......... Laurance was cut off by a mysterious girl in Aphmau's window. She had what looked like horns, they looked fake. We all stared at her with wide eyes, she smirk at us that then turned into an evil grin. Her teeth were as sharp as razors, she wore a navy blue belly shirt, a black mini skirt, and knee high boots. She had long black hair faded into blue and she had a ring on with a red gem. I looked over at Travis who was basically fawning over this girl who sounded like she had a demonic voice ( her pics will be put at the end cause there are a lot lol).

" w-who are y-you? and h-how did you g-g-get here?" Laurance said trembling as he spoke. She coughed a bit to clear her throat.

" I'm sorry to scare you hi my name is Luna, Luna Corpse." She smiled at us, her voice was low almost sexy even, but I don't like her I love Aphmau and nobody else.

" Its ok my name is Travis beautiful, this is Laurance, Garroth, and Dante." Travis said trying to flirt with her though it wasn't working. She jumped down from the window and giggled at Travis's attempted at flirting wow she must have low standards.

" Soo what's with the fake horns its not Halloween yet not for a few months?" I asked confused.

" Oh well these old things there um nothing special you know I mean we all have our kinks yeah?" She said like she was lying but I don't care about her she just had shown up out of know where.

" Oh Ok well we have to think here so thanks for coming but you have to go now bye." Dante said to get her to leave so we could think about the clue and go see Aphmau but I think we should just go to her now so I can see her beautiful face.

"hehehehehe well if you think I should leave them ill go bye boys." She said and jumped out the window again and disappeared as if into thin air.

" Um ok that was odd but what should we do now guys?" Laurance said confused and turned to us all, we looked at him still confused about that girl Luna who um showed up out of know where.

" Lets just go talk to her I mean maybe she just went to calm down a bit and if we go see her maybe she'll tell us what's going, what do you think" I said confident and exited to see her again even if I see her all the time lol.

" Good idea (for once) Garroth lets go guys" Travis said trying to keep quiet about saying I had a good idea FOR ONCE how rude. But I try to ignore him completely most of the time.

(Panda POV)(Me) 

The guys all start walking to a cliff to see if Aphmau was there because they couldn't find her anywhere in the village. But little did they know they were in for a surprise when they see her with a mysterious girl with horns sitting next to each other.

( Play the song now)

(Laurance POV)

We were close to the cliff when all of a sudden we heard an angelic voice singing, we all decided to hide in the bushes when we saw that the girl singing was Aphmau. But she wasn't alone a girl with black hair faded into blue with horns sat next to her, we then realized it was that Luna girl from earlier, she swayed back and forth to Aphmau's singing. We sat there and listened to her voice. I looked over at Garroth who was blushing deeply while she sang ( he doesn't have his helm on in this one) my face became serious I'm sure I love her more than he does.

(song ends)

The song she was singing ended the girl was still sitting next to her and she stopped swaying to her voice.

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