update not a chapter

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Hey you guys its me Empire_panda16 I hope you are liking my story. I wanted to update you guys on why chapters have been coming out every day, that's because 1 I have been putting a lot of thought into the chapters and what's about to happen with the whole Zane coming back thing and Aphmau actually going to talk to him alone but other than that the chapters have been long because I don't want to stop writing cause I love to make these chapters for you guys so you can have a lot of things to read that's just random and mcd related. But the other reason is because of outside activities I am in musicals and I have school and my class work is taking up most of my time. But ill try to put out a chapter as much as I can the last chapter was over 3000 words so now you see how much effort I put into them lol. let me no what you think about the story. oh and also I have another book out. If your a zanemau fan like I am then you will like my new book called 'Evil love (Zane x Aphmau)' lol well guys I got to go so see you guys later luv u all byeeee <3.  

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