The city that holds a demon

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(Aphmau POV)

The woods were quite as hell. But that was the only way I could make it to O'khasis without Garroth suspecting that I wasn't there.

(In the city)

People were everywhere, Zane wasn't kidding when he said he would make the guards let me in. I walked around til I found some guards outside of Zane's home.

"Um excuse me I'm here to speak with -" I was cut off by them bowing to me, I turned around and saw they were really bowing at.

"Ah lady Aphmau I've been expecting your arrival" it was Zane, he said to me with a small bow to me, I slightly bow back to him. The guards step to the side and Zane motions me to go up the stairs to him home and I nod and go with him following behind me. Zane passes me and opens the door for me, I proceed to go in. We walk a bit more until we reached his office, I think?

"Please sit Aphmau, now I'm guessing your here to talk about my brothers mission." He said with a smirk, I nodded at him.

"Yes I wanted to know more about this mission and if you really want to have peace?" I questioned Zane confused about this mission and why he wants peace. Zane laughts a bit at me, but stopped and put his hands on the desk softly.

"Aphmau I do want peace because of these monster's, if we don't stop them then they will take over everything and maybe kill us 2 so we need to join together and stop them" he said ferm but not yelling, probably because I'm a lord.

"Well that does sound like a problem but what's this mission all about?" I said calmly as to not upset him, because I know what he is.

"Ah yes the mission, its quite challenging, Garroth must kill the strongest one of these hybrid monsters she is almost like their leader. Garroth is very strong and can handle something like this, you see lord Aphmau this hybrid isn't like any hybrid, she never used to be the strongest." He said almost like a story. I nodded and he continued.

"It is said this girl found out she was a hybrid when she was only 4 and when she found out she killed an entire backyard of children and adults alone with her raven colored wings, after the girl killed them all she had all of a sudden disappeared into thin air. But I had heard the girl had a brother so we have been searching for them, until a few days ago when our magics users said they had sensed the girls presence so we needed to prepear and I figured I would worn you as well." He had then stopped speaking, I was in aww he new my hole life story but how and does that mean jin is alive but where could he be?

"So Zane how do you know all this you know about that incident?" I said trying to not sound suspicious.

"Well one of the children who were there somehow survived the slaughter but didn't know the girls name or what she looked like, she said her and her friends went to a birthday party when all of a sudden she friends were slaughtered and she was critically injured, but now she lives here in the city." Zane said calmy, that was a lie I payed her to go and it wasn't my fault they died I couldn't control it I don't know why though.

(After the talk)

We finished talking and I was about to leave until Zane called my name.

"Aphmau wait its getting late so if you would like you could stay here for the night?" He asked politely, I shrugged.

"You are right about that it is late so I guess I could stay but I must leave early in the morning." I said I feel like this is a bad idea excepting the offer, but it was true it is late and the guys would have a heart attack if they new I came back late at night without anyone. Zane led me to a big white room with a big window and balcony. The moon shined threw the window and onto me, I could tell Zane was starring at me but I just smiled I turned to him.

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