No luck or is it

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(Travis POV)

So we were searching in Aphmau's room when we were finished we all gathered in the center of the room each of us had some small things but when I looked at Garroth he only had something that looked like a note to Aphmau maybe I'm not sure.

"Alright ill start with what I found first." Laurance said confidently, he then pulled out some black and white feathers? there's was a small amount of something red on the black one maybe blood? but on the white one there was what looked like ink on the end of it as if it was used to write a note.?

We all started staring at him all looking very confused at why he only had feathers. "Uuuuummmm Laurance one quick question, why do you only have feathers and why feathers are those really the only thing you could find??" Dante said annoyed that ALL. HE. HAD. WAS. FREAKING FEATHERS!!!!!!

"But why would lady Aphmau have a bloody black raven feather and a white feather with what looks like inks on the end of it explain that guys?" Laurance said questioning us about his point.

"Well you do have a point but lets see what everyone else has ok?" I said then I had pulled out some pictures of what looks like Aphmau when she was maybe 4 and a mysterious person hugging her and smiling. I showed them all the pictures and all I got was some confused faces from them all except from Garroth I then saw him look down at what he had, my theory was correct it was a letter and I'm guessing to Aphmau.

" I found this under some jars filled with small pocket trinkets and pictures, it is indeed to lady Aphmau from someone named Jin? but I don't know who "Jin" is?? is he a love interest, a friend, maybe their a relative I'm not 100% sure but all I know is it talks about a promise that they made with Aphmau, and something called a hybrid that can live twice as long as humans and they cant be killed by loved ones or enemy's they can only die by natural causes or sickness.? Garroth stated firmly as he said LOVE interest. But that got us all thinking about the clue..... "no she cant be one there are no marking on her that show that she's........." "A MoNStEr" ........... Laurance was cut off by.........

Cliffhanger now here's a contest you need to think of your own character with a description of them male/female,their name, last name, eye color, favorite color, hair color, and a description about them the description I like the most will be fetched in the next chapter as our cut off character they can be anything you want like I said good description hopefully you'll be in the next chapter your character cant be any of the mcd ones or Jin he will appear soon and they can be like I said anything so like human, hybrid ect. the next chapter will be up as soon as I find a good description if know one comments then ill have to ask on my Facebook for characters so plez comment some names id luv to use one of your brilliant ideas for characters well got to go thank you luv you all bye :)  

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