Peace or so we think

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(Aphmau POV)

Me and Luna walked into the door of the guard tower where all the guys were, I saw Garroth and I couldn't take my eyes off him and he couldn't do the same either. I could tell Laurence was trying to get my attention but I didn't want to listen. His eyes sparkled,- I never noticed that before.

"Oooooh someone's in love!!!" Luna said. I blinked and looked away from garroth when she said love, I was a tomato.

"W-w-what are you talking about Luna I'm not think about that sort of thing and you know that." I said trying not to stutter but it didn't work why was I so red and was I falling for Garroth? No I can't be he's just so handsome and ugh stop thinking about him brain, but he is really, really is handsome and kind and...

"APHMAU WAKE UP YOUR GONNA GET A NOSE BLEED!!!!" Dante shouted I flinched, my arm swung and I hit Luna, she then sword backwards into that wall and left a cobblestone dent in it.

I rose my hands up and covered my mouth. "L-l-l-Luna I'm so sorry I was startled.!!" I said being very sorry, I then flew into the other wall I opened my eyes and saw Luna with a smile looking at me.

"Hehehehehe, oh Aphy I was waiting for that to happen so I could do it back to you. "She said I then smiled I know it was a game and besides it didn't hurt anyway.

I smiled to and I even started to laugh, I got myself off the wall and brushed myself off, "OH MY IRENE APHMAU, LUNA WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT BACK TO HER!!!!!" Laurence screamed at the top of his lungs at Luna, but I walked up behind him and grabbed his shoulder.

"Its ok Laurence I deserved it, but Luna I am sorry I guess Dante's yelling just startled me a bit I didn't mean to hit you." I said calmly and ok like nothing happened.

"APHMAU HOW ARE YOU NOT HURT, WE NEED TO GET YOU TO LUCINDA TO SEE IF YOUR OK AND YOU TOO LUNA!!!!!!!!" Travis screamed I jumped a bit again and left a small dent in the floor.

I was then lifted by someone bridal style, I looked over to see who it was and I saw it was..... Garroth, I blushed deeply again I feel like a princess in a princes arms. I slowly started to close my eyes and everything went black.

(Garroth POV)

I picked up Aphmau bridal style before Laurence could have a chance too, she didn't know it was me at first, then she looked at me and immediately turned away blushing a deep red, I smiled at her she was so cute when she blushes because of me. I felt her go a bit limp, she fell asleep, I think? I turned her head to face me, yes she did fall asleep and in my arms to, THIS. IS .THE. BEST. DAY. EVER!!!!!

"Garroth why are you smiling like an idiot?" Luna said as she was in Travis's arms. Even though Travis was also was smiling like am idiot too.

Time skip

We made it to Lucinda's house Aphmau was still blushing and sleeping, I wonder was she is dreaming about.???

Aphmau's blackout

I was 10, I decided to go to the village of O'khasis to see if there's been any sightings of a boy with black hair, loves purple and came out of know where form the woods. I asked a ton of people when I accidently bumped into a boy who looked to be my age with sandy blond hair and blue eyes.

"Um I'm so so so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you..." I said apologizing to him, he shoke it off and smiled at me.

"its ok miss I wasn't paying attention to were I was going, My name is," he was cut off by a women with blond hair.

"Come on now we need to get you back to your mother and father boys, come eldest prince you must go as well." The lady put her hand on the boys back and slightly pushed him along. He turned as he walked and yelled "Goodbye Miss!!"

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