Their past

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( Aphmau POV) (Backstory)

It was the day I turned 4. I was so happy all my friends came to my party (well  I had to pay people to come but) everyone came. the only person who really was nice to me and I didn't have to pay to come to my birthday party was my big brother Jin. We had a lot in comin, we both LOVE purple and well I don't know really anything else but  anyways we were in the corner talking because everyone didn't want to talk to me because I was weird. After I blew out my candles I didn't feel very well then all of a sudden I fell to the ground and 2 black wings burst out of my back, people started screaming all I could here was comments from screaming kids at the party " MONSTER!" "ITS A BEAST!!" "SOMEONE CALL THE FBI!" "FREAK!!!" I couldn't take the words they were saying then my eyes turned all black ( remember that ) I flew up into the air and tuned to them all "Im NoT A MOnSTeR YOuR ThE MoNStERs NOw DIE!!!!" I swoped down at them and slater them all blood and screams were everywere. But then my eyes went back to normal my wings retracted into my back there were large wing like holes in my shirt and i had black raven wing tattos where they came out, i fell to the ground my brother ran up to me and held me even though i was covered in blood. I started to cry he rocked me like a baby to calm me down and took me inside. I fell asleep after my mom cleaned me up. I woke up in a van with my brother and all our stuff. " Jin whats going on??" he turned to me and held me again i didnt understand why though? " Aph promise me something " I tilted my head to the side confused "um sure what do you want me to promise you??" he ferowed his browe "NO!! please Aph" he said I flinched when he yelled no " Aphy promise me you will never use thoso wings on the people you love and try to keep control of your anger so you wont use them on anyone you love." He said calmly but i knew he was serious as he spoke to me. "I promise Jin i will never use them one people i love cause i dont like that feeling of hate in me." A small tear ecaped my eye, he pulled me into a nother strong embrace I hugged him back thats when I felt his tears mix with mine as they droped onto my face and rolled down my cheeks. I looked at him and wiped his tears away with my small hands Jin smiled  and did the same to me he then kissed my forhead, I smiled because it tickled i giggled alittle and he did to. We left our quiet little town and moved into the country by a small village but we never went near it expesualy me we stayed hidden in the woods for a while until our mother started to get really sick I was so afrade to go find herbs but i had to for her and my brother.

One Week Later:

Its been a week our mother sadly passed this morning we beryed her this morning. Thing just arnt the same without her Jin wont talk to me anymore he has become a mute its always quiet here i cant stand it. I head to bed late i dont think Jin did though.I woke up early this morning to wake Jin up but when I went into Jins room he wasnt there so i went into the family room and all i found was a note from Jin.


Dear, Aphmau

I have disided to leave please dont look for me I know you can take care of youself please remember our promise. But i must tell you something you have never known is I have the same wings but white we are called Hybrids we are not like normal humans. We can live longer than most humans as well, now that you know this please dont tell anyone about this unless you truly trust them I dont want my sister to be killed or driven away from her home because of her wings or raven black. I trust you can learn to control them so you do not kill anyone else. I love you Aphy but please take care of yourself . Ill miss you, Goodbye.

Your loving brother, Jin     

I started to cry as I read the note, I was all alone, I folded the note and put it in my pocket  then i ran to my room and just cried, I cried like I have never cried before, I then cried myself to sleep. The last words I said before I driffed off to sleep was " maybe i am a monster" . 

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