Dreams or nightmares

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(Aphmau POV)(Dream)

I laid with Aaron for a while until I finally fell asleep. It was dark but thankfully this time I wasn't in a cage instead I was in my house alone, Arron wasn't here, Solaris wasn't here I was so confused. I walked outside in sheer horror and saw that my village was on fire, I ran down the path into the village but nobody was around I ran to the plaza and saw Garroth standing over Jin, Aaron, and Solaris's body's. His sword dripping blood and he covered in it. I wanted to cry, he then noticed me.

"You, you monsters shouldn't be in our village, this is your fault! Everyone is dead because of you and your monster kind!" He said so harsh I felt my heart crack bit by bit. I fell to my knees as he started to walk towards me, he then pulled out a bow and shot me in both shoulders with poison tipped arrows, my wings the unleashed from my back sending a shadow over him but that didn't stop him. He shot 2 more arrows into my wings and then grabbed me by the hair making me scream.

"Scream for mercy monster! No one will hear you!" He yelled as he drew back his sword, I clenched my eyes shut as he brought it down on my neck.

(End of dream)

I shot up in a hard sweat screaming which made Aaron jump, I couldn't control my breathing I felt like I was going to die. Just then my door burst open to see Zoey and Solaris.

"Lady Aphmau are you ok?? What's wrong?!" Solaris asked as Zoey got in her knees holding my hand, tears were flowing from my eyes and I kept hyperventilating, They all looked so worried I couldn't speak. Just then Aaron pulled me into a tight embrace, my breath slowed a bit but the tears fell harder.

"Shhh it's ok Aph, breath I'm right here" he said as he rocked me a bit. I tried to speak.

"J-Jin" I stuttered, Zoey looked at Solaris.

"Go to the wooden house in the woods and get Jin that's her brother, now" she said, Solaris nodded and ran out the door. Aaron kept rocking me and hushing me, I gripped him tight almost digging my nails into his arm but he didn't seem to mind. Just then Solaris came back with Jin, my heart felt like it was going to stop and even more tear fell as I tried to escape Aaron's arms and jump to Jin. He hugged me tight as I buried my head into his chest.

"What happened here?" He asked, I didn't care to look at anyone else I just couldn't let my brother go.

"I don't know I was here with lady Aphmau and she bolted awake screaming and this is how she's been since" Aaron said rubbing my back, the tears didn't stop. After a while Jin sat me up still rubbing my back, by now the tears were slow but not gone completely.

"Aph please what happened?" He asked with a concerned look on his face, I took a deep breath.

"I-I had a dream that the village was on fire and as I walked through, I-I saw all of you d-dead at Garroth's feet and he called us monsters and then h-he killed me" I tried to get it out as best as I could without falling back into my fear state but it wasn't enough. My breathing quickened again and the flow sped up again, Aaron grabbed me before Jin could hug me and held me tight, I could feel his low growls through his chest.

"She needs to get away from this village" Solaris said, I wanted to speak but I couldn't.

"She can't she's the Lord! She can't just go off and disappear" Zoey said, Jin sighed.

"She's right but whoever you are is also right" he said.

"My names Solaris" she said, Aaron rocked me softly.

"That's Aaron as well" she said, Aaron took one hand off me to wave then held me again.

"Now that everyone is aquatinted we need to figure out how to help Aphmau" Aaron said, they then all started talking amongst themselves. Until Jin spoke up.

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