His hybrid side forms

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(Panda POV)

Jin walked back inside from out on the porch to tend to Adam who was still strapped to the bed, he was silent except for the occasional yelps in pain. Jin set a wet cloth on his forehead and kept making sure he was breathing and his heart was beating, as Jin lay his head on Adams chest to hear his heart, he heard 2 heart beats. Jin shot up stunned by the sound.

"Jin what's wrong?" Adam said, Jin looked at him with wide eyes, his eyes were yellow now and were very vibrant, Jin was confused how and why he now had 2 hearts, he only had one and for an winged hybrid that's not super strong but still strong. Jin thought to himself, how many hearts does Aphmau have? He shook it off to Adam yelling his name. 

"Jin are you ok?" He asked, Jin nodded.

"Yeah I'm ok, so how are you feeling?" He asked Adam, Adam shrugged.

"I'm not to bad just still in a little pain"he said, Jin nodded.

"Do you feel any different, like more free?" Jin asked, Adam sat for a minute but then shook his head.

"No not really, just a little pain"he said, Jin sighed and then looked out the window, it had only been a day and he wasn't feeling as if he was dying, how? Jin looked back at Adam.

"So you don't feel like your internal organs are ripping each other apart?" Jin asked troubled and confused. Adam just shook his head, with an odd look on his face.

"Um no, Jin are you ok?" Adam asked, Jin sat down still puzzled at how he wasn't feeling anything, this transformation is supposed to be excruciatingly painful, so how is Adam not feeling anything?

"Y-yeah i'm fine, you should get some rest" Jin said, Adam nodded and closed his eyes, as for Jin he walked over to his cot and plopped down on it and just looked up at the ceiling. He didn't understand, he then pulled out the spell book he got and looked through the pages, on one page it talked about turning humans into hybrids, it said that the transformation is extremely painful for a few days, which Jin already knew. He kept reading until he found something.

"However if the human who is being turned is not feeling much pain hours after the spell is over they may either be a higher level hybrid or they could have already been exposed to the spells power as a child most likely, this would cause the person to not remember being around this power before hence why they would not be experiencing as much pain as they should" Jin repeated, it was odd, he didn't think Adam would be a higher level hybrid because Jin would have felt his power. But if Adam was around the spell growing up then that would make sense, He had never said much about his childhood to Jin, Ross or Barney, so maybe, if it was true then Adam wouldn't remember, and there would be no way to get an answer about it. Jin sighed and set the book down and fell asleep. 

(Dream)(Jin POV)

I walked through a large dark forest alone, it was quiet. Not even birds were chirping, all of a sudden everything turned red and i was standing in front of a large nether castle. The gates opened and i walked in as guards watched me, step by step i entered into the main hall and saw a man sitting on a large thrown. He wore a long open red jacket clasped in the front by 3 chains, no finger black gloves, black pants with a silver belt and dark brown shoes. He also had short-ish black hair, i couldn't see his eyes but i could see he was smirking. 

"Welcome" he said in a deep raspy voice, i nodded.

"Thank you, now who are you?" I asked, he chuckled and set his arms on the arm rests of his thrown. 

"You will know in time, but all you must know is I am also a hybrid as you are" he said, i cringed.

"How did you know i was-?" i started but was cut off by the man waving his hand for me to be quiet.

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