The usual but almost caught

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(Aphmau POV)

Its been awhile since I came to Phoenix Drop, I've been able to hide it pretty well so far but I haven't been able to stretch my wings in FOREVER!! But I don't want to risk the guys finding out what a monster I am. They have been on high alert ever since Garroths little brother Zane came to ask for my hand in marriage but I immediately turned him down I would never marry someone as evil as him and leave my village. Besides Zane the other guys Garroth, Laurance, Dante, and of course Travis were out and about as usual while I was making my daily round of the village to check on everyone. As I walk I hear foot steps come up behind me.

(Laurance POV)

I was walking around when I saw Aphmau walking towards the woods I wonder why? As I  approached her she suddenly stopped, and in an instant she had me pinned to a tree with her sword. I must have startled her pretty bad cause she was panting with utter fear. But, when I looked at her eyes they were a different color they weren't their caramel shade of brown as if they were in warm coffee that would make you want to stare into them forever. No, they were black, ALL black. Black as night with no stars or moon, they were terrifying. My eyes grew wide at the site of our sweet Aphmau who's eyes looked like all the hate in the world. She finally noticed the fear I felt because her eyes turned back to their normal color but I was still scared not of her, but of those black eyes. I was then pulled from my thoughts by Aphmau falling to the ground, crying. I then brought her into a strong embrace. 

"sssssssssssshhhhhhh" I said as I comforted her, her tears rolled down my armor and into my lap. I lifted her chin with my right hand and wiped tears away with a smile.

" I-I'm soo s-s-s-sorry Laurance I didn't mean t-to hurt you really" she said in-between her tears. I look at her with a little chuckle but inside I'm still scared of those eyes but I don't want her to know. "heh heh its ok lady Aphmau but are you alright?" "um I'm ok why did you startle me I thought it was Zane and I wasn't thinking when it was you." She said with a smile but I knew it was fake as if she was hiding something from me. Maybe ill talk to Garroth and the others later at the guard station." Well your right about Zane you never know what he'll do to ruin the village but anyways," I say until I say in a sexy voice "do you still want me to hold you or would you like a kiss to make you feel better." All of a sudden Aphmau stated to laugh really hard at my joke. "pppppppphhhhhhfffffff you wish Laurance hahah but no I have to get back home to tuck Levin in to bed so goodnight, bye." She got up and waved goodbye to go home to Levin, when she was out of view I got up and started for the guard station to talk to the guys.       

this was the first fanfic/chapter hope you liked it the pic is of Aphmaus eyes when they were black I know its a cliffhanger but don't worry the next chapter will be up soon thanks luv you all also tell me who you ship in mcd I ship Zanemau (Zane ...

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this was the first fanfic/chapter hope you liked it the pic is of Aphmaus eyes when they were black I know its a cliffhanger but don't worry the next chapter will be up soon thanks luv you all also tell me who you ship in mcd I ship Zanemau (Zane x  Aphmau) and Lauroth (Laurance x Garroth) tell me what you think and what I can improve on and what is good well Bye!!!!!!

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