His gift

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(Aphmau POV) 

I yawned and stretched as i sat up, i rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as i noticed a large box at the foot of my bed. I threw my legs over the side and stood up, my legs wobbled a bit but then were fine, i then walked to where the box was and looked at the large golden bow on top that sparked. I didn't want to touch it, it was so beautiful. Just then there was a knock on the door, i went over and opened it, it was Aaron, he bowed to me which made me blush.

"Hello m'lady how did you sleep?" He asked, i smiled and let him in my room.

"I slept well but i had a strange dream again, i'm mot sure what it meant" i said, he nodded and sat on my bed.

"As long as it wasn't a nightmare i wont worry to much" he said, i giggled a bit.

"Do you know anything about this package here Aaron?" I asked, he smiled and wagged his tail a bit.

"Its for you, i went out last night and had it made for you as a thank you for healing me and letting me stay with you" he said, i smiled and pulled the ribbon and opened the box. My eyes widened as i pulled out the beautiful purple dress from the box. I set the dress back in the box and jumped on Aaron hugging him tight.

"I love it so much Aaron thank you!" I said, he chuckled and let go of me, he then stood up.

"Shall i help you try it on?" He asked, i blushed and nodded. He then turned around as i too my pj's off and slipped a bra on.

"Ok you can turn back around" i said, he did and blushed, i could tell he was doing everything in his power to not grab me, he coughed a bit and grabbed the dress.

"Here m'lady" he said as he kneeled down for me to step into the dress, he slid it up and onto my arms, the smooth fabric grazed my skin ever so slightly, Aaron the went behind me and zipped the dress up. I shivered a bit as Aaron touched my bare shoulders and then he softly kissed my neck.

"You look absolutely beautiful Aphmau you truly look like a queen" he said, i smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you so much Aaron" i said, he nodded and opened the door for me.

"Shall we do your rounds and show the people the beauty of their lord?" he asked, i giggled and nodded, i walked out the door down the stairs and saw Zoey sitting at the table sipping her tea.

"Lady Aphmau you look beautiful" she said, i smiled and slipped my shoes on. Aaron then came up behind me and placed my tiara on my fluffy hair.

"There, perfect" he said, i smiled and opened the door, the wind moved my hair and dress slightly it was cool out but comfortable. We walked down the path and around the village, people would look at me and smiled and some would stop us and compliment my outfit, i blushed a slight red from all the praise. We continued to walk towards the gates and saw Dante, Laurence and Garroth, as we approached they looked at us.

"Wow Aph you look beautiful" Dante said, i smiled.

"Thanks Dante, Aaron had it made for me as a thank you" i said, he smiled and nodded, Laurence coughed a bit.

"It is a lovely dress, but don't you think it shows a bit to much skin Aph?" He asked, Aaron growled a bit which caught Laurence off guard.

"Its lady Aphmau to you and i think it shows the right amount of skin for her body size, it shows how regal she is, as well as hugging the right parts of her body to not look fat or to thin" he said, i blushed a bit and Laurence huffed and walked off, Garroth shook his head.

"I'm sorry m'lady he's on his man period today, it is a beautiful dress and Aaron is right it makes you look like true royalty and it does fit you well" he said, i smiled and giggled a bit.

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