Nether Army

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(Panda POV)

While things in the over world were running smoothly the lord of the nether, Samael was preparing his army of men to go through the portal. He sat in his throne thinking about what will happen when he sees his children when soon Atlas came in a bowed to him.

"My lord the army is almost ready" he said, Samael smiled and stood up. He and Atlas walked out of the throne room, down the many stairs to the portal room where all the soldiers stood waiting for orders. They all saluted Samael and he chuckled a bit.

"Today we travel through the portal to the over world to fofill our destinies and serve our queen" he said, the men nodded.

"It will take us some time to build up her kingdom but we will do it with our blood and sweat, brick by brick until it is the most perfect kingdom for our kind!" He yelled, the men cheered which cause Samael to laugh.

"Are you men ready for this journey?" He asked.

"Yes sir!" They yelled, he nodded and stepped aside and watched as hundreds of soldiers ran through the portal. Once everyone was through he smiled and looked at Atlas.

"I'll see you on the other side my friend" he said, Atlas smiled and Samael went through.

(Samael POV)

I panted a foot on the ground and a wave of nausea hit me, I hadn't been in the over world in a very long time. I took a deep breath and smiled as the light from the sun shone through the caves entrance, I turned and saw Atlas come through the portal.

"Glad you made it old friend" I said, he chuckled and we walked out of the cave leaving the army for now it wasn't time yet. Once out the light almost blinded me but I soon adjusted and looked around, green everywhere it was beautiful. I looked down and saw a small blue flower which I picked and smelled, I smiled as it reminded me of my dear late wife. I looked over at Atlas who was waiting for me, I chuckled and spread my wings. We flew threw the sky at top speed and looked down as a large army marched through the woods, we flew past and soon were over my daughters village. The people ran around going about their lives and soon I saw her come into view with Solaris and a wolf man behind her. She didn't look to happy, I looked at Atlas who shook his head.

"Soon sir we must wait" he said, I nodded and we flew off back to the cave to tell the men and to move them to the cabin. Once back the men stood up and saluted again.

"Ok men we are moving to a better location to help our queen I will signal you all when it is time" I said, they understood and we soon walked to the cabin where they all set up for the next few days. I sat on the porch thinking about my daughter, she looked so angry and stressed. Perhaps as soon as she returned from her trip she was thrown into more stress than ever. Once she was with us she wouldn't have to worry about stress ever again we would take care of her and I will protect her like a father should.

(Aphmau POV)

I ran through the village with Solaris and Aaron preparing for war. The king of Scaleswind sent a letter to us that our alliance was off and we were at war for the notion that I was allayed with Zane even though both him and I said we were not in alliance. I ran around in a deep purple jumpsuit with darker purple vest that had a long light brown cape piece and a shorter dark brown cape piece. It also had long dark purple gloves and black shoes with many golden designs all over the outfit. If he wants a war then he will have one.

"Garroth get Lucinda and Zoey on top of the gates to put up a large magic shield!" I yelled, he nodded and ran to get them.

"Laurence go to the docks with Dale and set up those cannons and have Brenden watch if he sees anything tell him to blow a horn and then fire" I said, Laurence nodded and saluted me and then ran off with Dale. I turned to Dante, Solaris and Aaron.

"Dante you and Solaris stand on the front lines you are my strongest fighters so don't die on me" I said, Dante looked and Solaris and they nodded at each other and ran to the front. Everyone in the village was willing to fight for our home.

"What would you like me to do my lady?" Aaron asked, I looked at him and smiled.

"Stay by me in case I need you" I said sweetly, he nodded and we each grabbed a sword and got ready for an attack. I had Aaron stay at the bottom of the ladder by the gates as I climbed up to see what was going on, there I saw Garroth standing watching Lucinda and Zoey with the barrier.

"Anything Garroth?" I asked, he turned to me and shook his head.

"No m'lady nothing yet but we will keep watch" he said, I nodded and went down the ladder running into Laurence.

"Laurence I want you on top of the wall as an archer along with Garroth, Dale and Jin" I said, he nodded.

"Yes lady Aphmau, does the king of Scaleswind really not believe you after all you've done for him?" He asked, I sighed.

"I'm afraid not but fine if that's what he wants I will not hesitate to defend this village" I said, he nodded and went up the ladder. Deep in my heart I felt like fighting wasn't the right thing because I didn't know what to think about these people anymore. I sighed and waited for a signal from Garroth.

(Samael POV)

As we sat at the cabin and watched the sun set I could hear men talking.

"I wonder what the queen is like?" One man asked sitting by a small fire.

"I bet she's beautiful" another said, I smiled and thought about my daughter.

"She's probably the most beautiful women anyone's ever seen" one spoke sweetly, another laughed a bit.

"She may be beautiful but I bet she's the strongest person to ever live!" A man boasted, I have never seen the men so excited to see a women of royalty in so long it was so peaceful to see them speculating about their future queen.

"Maybe if we are good soldiers some of us may even become her royal concubines" another teased, I blushed at the thought of my men trying to bed my daughter, I stood and they all looked at me.

"That's enough men it's late let's rest" I said, they saluted me again and I went inside. There sat Atlas sipping tea, I sat with him.

"How are the men?" He asked, I huffed.

"They we're talking about Aphmau and some were thinking of trying to become her concubines" I said putting my head down, I heard him chuckle.

"Well if she wishes to have concubines who can stop her" he said sipping his tea, I blushed.

"How can you say that about my daughter!! Your not going to try are you! So help me I'll kill you Atlas!" I yelled, he sighed.

"Calm down Samael no I wouldn't try to court your daughter your my trusted friend I would never" he said, I sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry I'm just so worried how she will act when she sees me, as well as my son" I said, he nodded.

"I understand but I'm sure they will accept you sir" he said, I smiled.

"I hope so well I'm going to head to bed" I said, he nodded and slipped into the master bedroom and laid on the bed to rest.

(Aphmau's outfit)

(Aphmau's outfit)

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